04 February 2010

Advice Recieved

Flashback: 21 May 2004
Right before the ceremony, the sealer gave us some general advice. While those few minutes are a blur in my memory, I have always clearly remembered when he said, "Develop the habit of a soft answer."

This can be interpreted in a variety of ways. To me, it was in reference to our moments of disagreement and potential arguing. A soft answer can so often seem like the more difficult and unnatural option to take. In retrospect, it is something I wish I practiced more readily.

Yesterday, a thought occurred to me. Although this was a recommendation given to Ben and me for our family, I can still use it in all of my dealings with others. Almost any point can be made when it is said gently, tactfully, and with good intention.

I am officially resolving to develop the habit of a soft answer.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You are amazing! I really enjoy your blog. Your strength is a help to all of us. Debbie Sell (Jill King's mom)