28 July 2010

With Love

A cute friend recently told me to focus on the little love notes Ben used to write to me. His letters were always light-hearted and adorably sweet.

I miss the way he used to always call me...

...and sign his formal signature with "Bennys" below.

Sometimes there were occasional diagrams to express the extent of his love...

And in case I should ever doubt, there were always extra reminders...

These simple sentiments are what I choose to center my memories on. The love he expressed then, is still abundantly evident in my daily life now.

I love you, Bennys!

27 July 2010

Last night...

If every night was like last night....

I'd want to sleep forever.


23 July 2010

Mean Reds

I've been feeling a need for quiet lately. I won't be gallivanting around Tiffany&Co. But I will be playing with my babies, yoga-ing, and meditating; all in hopes of increasing my capacity for understanding.

Those reds don't have to be so mean...

22 July 2010

Sweet Tooth

This sweet girl has an incurable sweet tooth. Sophie is learning all about "knock-knock" jokes. This was her first...

Sophie: "Knock! Knock!"
Mommy: "Who's there??"
Sophie: "Banana!"
Mommy: "Banana, who?"
Sophie: "Cookie!! Cookies, please!"

I love my little Buggy!

16 July 2010


Right now I remember it perfectly...
June 2003

I was sitting on the couch in the apartment living room, talking to Ben on my little "ghetto brick" Nokia phone (like usual). Monica came out from her room. She had just ended a phone conversation with some random guy (pretty sure his name was Tyler).

Monica: "He just said that the best part of his day is talking to me..."
Me: [covering the phone with one hand] "Awe, he's just as whipped as Ben."

Ben: "Babe, I prefer the term, whooped."
Me: "Oh... You heard that. Sorry! You're not annoyed that I told them you're whipped, are you?"
Ben: "Nope, because I'm completely WHOOPED over you. You are gorgeous and funny and smart. And I am so lucky."
Me: "Ben, seriously..."
Benny: "I can keep going..."...

When I think about him, my mind most easily goes to moments like these; those first moments when I fell in love with him.

I miss that boy.
The one with the most comforting voice and infectious laugh...
The one who would drive 4 hours each way, just to see my un-made-up face...
The one who would go hiking, and call me just so he could proclaim his love from a mountain (no exaggeration)...
The one who always had to hold my hand...
The one who would get so sentimental over the smallest things...
The one who carried my picture in his wallet so proudly...
The one who so eagerly told everyone he knew how excited he was to start his life with me...
The boy who treated me like his greatest treasure...

I miss him.
And I miss the way I felt around him.

14 July 2010

The Quirky Quirks

A good friend wrote a cute post about her "inner geek." I loved it, and so I wanted to play copy cat. It's so true that we're all a little odd in our ways.

Here are a few of mine!

1. I can listen to the same song over and over and over, and never get sick of it.

2. I sleep with at least 4 pillows every night. And one of them always has to be wedged between my knees.

3. I leave glasses of water out all the time. I'm always trying to get in those eight glasses a day. But more often than not, they end up unfinished and abandoned (on the night stand, counter top, book cases, computer desk...everywhere!).

4. I've been told that my method for clothing shopping is a little quirky. I'm always drawn to classic silhouettes, but I LOVE bright colors. Sometimes I'll see something basic, and try to find something similar with a bold accent.

5. Sometimes...when I'm all alone...I dance and sing loudly. I'm always terribly off key and ridiculous, but I love it. (Think, Hillary Swank in PS...I Love You)

6. I've been known to laugh and cry simultaneously. It's such an odd sight and sound. Just ask T. Thorpe!

7. I really love old movies. Lately I've been watching a lot of Audrey Hepburn. She's so adorable! Breakfast at Tiffany's is definitely one of my all time favorites. Jocee and Sophie have seen it so much that they'll sing along to Moon River. Love it!

8. I am the quintessential embodiment of clumsy! I've been known to fall down an entire flight of stairs at 3:00 am (with complete grace and poise, of course). So funny! Ask me about it sometime...
I have also passed this ability on to Jocee. She can do a full-on gymnast routine down the stairs and land almost on her feet. (Ask T. Thorpe about that one, too. She'll tell you all about it if she can manage to control her laughter!)

9. Anything I read, I edit in my head. I just can't help it. (I know I've mentioned this one before, but it's true!) The only exception to this is when I read emails from friends.

10. I am always very much...in my head. I'm always thinking about something. Sometimes I think, I think too much!

What are your quirky quirks??

Thanks, Lesley!! xo

12 July 2010

Forever in Me

When the really tough questions surface....their elusive answers come in the sweetest ways.

And I love him for it.

07 July 2010


I love Ben.
And because I don't want to forget even the littlest things...

When I first introduced myself (over the phone), he got my name right. Without hesitation he said, "Ginny. Like, G-I-N-N-Y?"

So many guys I had dated before went weeks thinking my name was "Jenny." Some even had my number programmed in their cell phones that way. This always led to an awkward reintroduction...
"Umm... I'm not Jenny. It's, Ginny. Ya know, like Gin 'n Juice..."

But not my Love.
Benny got it right the first time.

01 July 2010

July '04

I love when old photos of us resurface.
There's always a memory to go along with them.

My first time to Macaroni Grill...
The food was mediocre, but the company made up for it.
I bet Terisa doesn't remember what we talked about during dinner, but I'm laughing at the thought!