16 December 2013

I can't believe it!!

A little over three years ago I wrote a very sincere post about the shock I was in; all the things I just couldn't believe.

And here I am in shock again.  But this time life is so good!! :)

I, Ginny Hill, have recently completed my first semester of grad school.  GRAD SCHOOL.  As in graduate. school.  As in, I'm working on obtaining a Master's degree.  Me!

I feel kind of like Elle Woods when she found out that she was chosen for Professor Callahan's internship.

There was a time in my life when I thought I'd never have a Bachelor's degree.  I was too fickle and noncommittal.  And four years just seemed way too long.  How could I possibly choose a major and stick to it??  That silly phase lasted for about 26 years.

And then two years ago I made plans.  But I kept them to myself (just incase fickle me showed up again).  
Long story, short:  I woke up one day and decided I wanted to be an acupuncturist.  I did a little bit (or a lot) of research, and found out that I needed to finish that Bachelor's degree...

I enrolled in school and didn't look back.  Kind of.

The only problem with this plan was that there is exactly one acupunture school in my area.  After calling their admissions office I was less than optimistic.  This is Boston.  Their requirements are ivy-league-high, and the school works with Tufts Medical School.  And since that's on par with and in the vacinity of Harvard... Ha!!

I'd obviously have to find another school....in another state....relocate....with two little girls....by myself. [Panic attack.]

So fast forward to August 2013.  After a lot of encouragement, and a little tough love from LLB, I got my transcripts and made an appointment with Admissions.

Maybe 10 minutes into the interview, he told me that if I could get all my paperwork in, he could get me started in two weeks.

I spent that entire hour-long drive home laughing and crying and bursting with gratitude.

The day after I officially finished my BS, I began the real deal.  And sometimes I just can't believe that this is my life, and it is so good! :)
  • I can't believe that I made a plan!!
  • I can't believe that nothing derailed me from that plan!
  • I can't believe that I got into the ONLY acupuncture school in New England!!
  • I can't believe that I-95 doesn't intimidate me!
  • I can't believe I love school everyday, and that my GPA reflects it!
  • I can't believe it took me 30 years to feel this way!!
  • I can't believe I'm this happy!!
But for the first time in a very, very (very) long time I CAN believe....
I will be an acupuncturist.  I will be sucessful.  I will continue to love life.
Plans are worth making, and goals are worth setting.
And life is so so (SO) good.
"Every little thing is gonna be alright."
