05 February 2010

3 Years Ago

In February of 2007, I was in my third trimester with Jocelyn. I was working 50 hours a week while Ben was preparing for his CFI check-ride. We were busy all the time, and I was starting to feel ragged from working so much.

I came home one day, after working 10 hours, and collapsed on the couch. Ben propped my feet up and sat next to me. He pointed out a loose string on the tank top I was wearing. When I pulled the string the hem and straps came completely unraveled. Instantly I was in tears!

Me: "I'm so sick of being FAT!!"
Ben: "Oh, Ginny you're only big in your tummy."
Me: "No! I'm fat everywhere, and now all my clothes are falling apart!"
Ben: "We'll get you new clothes."
Me: "No! What's the point?! I only have a few weeks left now! And I'm just too tired to go shopping! My back hurts so bad! Everything hurts all the time!"
Ben: "Your Benny is going to fix this. I'll get clothes for you. What size are you?"
Me: "Size 'Huge!' Size 'Are you having twins?!' Size 'Are you overdue?!"
Ben: "Okay. I'm going to guess...Small. I'll be right back!
Benny will make it all better."

He had gone to Target, and when he came back he had a bag full of maternity clothes. There were shirts, tank tops, and pants. I was surprised at the effort he went to. He had put a lot of thought into it, and got things that I wouldn't mind wearing.

In the following weeks I was so grateful to him. I couldn't thank him enough. And he was pretty proud of himself. He'd smile and complement me on how cute I looked in the new clothes. THEN....I eventually got so big that only his t-shirts would fit... But he was always more than happy to help.

I look back at all of the things Ben did to take care of me, (pregnant or not) and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to him and for him.


the speers said...

Ginny, that is so sweet! I love that he went out shopping for you, what a cute hubby! I can't believe you were working 50 hours a week!! you rock!

Crystal Stanworth said...

i think all pregnant moms go through a little breakdown when all the clothes aren't fitting and you feel just huge. very brave to go clothes shopping for a woman! seriously a cute story.

Maryblog said...

Oh my goodness. What a sweet sweet husband. That is so cute and thoughtful. I love that he didn't give up and set out to make it better even though you said he couldn't! I love it!

Kings said...

lol, i'm cracking up! i know i'm not huge yet, but i feel like i am! That was so nice of him...:) lucky girl.