11 June 2010

27 Favorites

I feel a lack of creativity as of late.
With my 27th birthday soon approaching, I felt it fitting to list some of my favorite things...

(Note: Most people who keep up on the blog already know most. I half-heartedly apologize in advance ;))

1. Favorite People

Words can't express how much I love my eternal family of four.

2. Favorite (bestest) Friend:

He always has been, and he always will be.
No Earthly circumstance or separation can change that.

3. Favorite (and only) sister:

By default, of course! She doesn't have much competition.
Love you, Lau!

4. Favorite Girl to Call:

I love this girl! I've known her for almost half my life. Whenever we get on the phone we could talk for hours, and laugh 'til we cry!

5.Favorite Jocee Quote:

Such a little princess. I love her girly imagination!

6. Favorite Quote:

Because I strive to be this kind of person.

7. Favorite Band:

They've been my favorite for 10 years now. I don't have a favorite song (or album), but one that I've been listening to most is, "From Where You Are."

8. Favorite Stores:

Just because I'm turning 27, doesn't mean I have to dress like it...(or pay more than 20$ per article of clothing :)).

9. Favorite Perfume:

Or is it parfume? This scent is an instant mood booster, even if I may not have anyone to smell pretty for.

10. Favorite color:

Shocker, huh? Anyone who knows me knows I love the color pink. But not everyone knows my second favorite color is...

11. Favorite Shoes:

With the above photos of heels, I feel it appropriate to mention that I nearly never wear them! I think I might have 3 pairs total (maybe 4?). But I do love flats. I wear them with everything.

12. Favorite Flower:

13. Favorite Hobby:

If only I had the time!
When I was pregnant with Jocee, I wanted to paint Gerbera Daisies on canvas for her room. Unfortunately working 50 hours a week while Ben finished school zapped whatever energy I had. I thought my time would free up when she got here.
Ha! Someday I'll take it up again.

14. Favorite Animal:

They're the cutest. I love everything about them; the patterns, long eyelashes, and they seem so graceful despite their odd proportions.

15. Favorite Decade:

-the simplicity
-the cleanliness
-the style
I love all of it! Oh, how I wish that I was born in the '20s, so that I could be experiencing the '40s at this point in my life...

16. Favorite State:

I couldn't pick just one!
I love how cute and quaint some of the little towns in Maine are.
I love the desert and dry heat in Arizona.
I love absolutely everything about California.

17. Dream Vacation Destination:

I've always felt drawn here in a weird way, and someday I'll go for real.

18. Favorite Hair Product:

This stuff is amazing. It's the best I've ever used. Going back to normal shampoo is really sad after using this.

19. Favorite Holiday:

20. Favorite Indulgence:

21. Favorite Season:

There's nothing like it. The colors are amazing. The crisp air is refreshing. The Macoun apples are in season. I'm so happy that my girls get to experience it all this year.

22. Favorite Workout:

I get to de-stress and tone up at the same time. :)

23. Favorite Coping Strategy:

This resource has proven invaluable for so many reasons and on so many levels.

24. Favorite Actress:

I've only seen a handful of her movies, but I think she's adorable.

25. Favorite Movie:

Such sweet memories. This movie will always hold a special place in my heart.

26. Favorite TV Show:

Because I'm a total geek! I'm so interested in how the body works, and how I can improve mine. This guy's advice will likely have me living well into my 100s.

27. Dream Job:

I have this awful quirk where I critique the writing of others. Anything I read, I edit in my head. I change wording to make it more concise and accurate. I fix punctuation. I get so peeved when people mix words up (IE there/their/they're or then/than).
Why not get paid for it?


Happy birthday, to me!


My Loves and My Life said...

Both you and Lesley. Have inspired me to do a favorite 27 things post.

And about the spelling thing. I used to be the same exact way. I would become peeved when people spelled (there,their,they're or a combo of the others) wrong. But now adays I just write with no regard to spelling because I consider myself lucky with getting everything out of my head and onto the blog.

BUT, I do really wish I cared about correct spelling. Because when I did, life was so much more easier just worrying about a spelling error as opposed to my worries now.. If this even makes sense whatsoever? I love this entry though!! Don't mind me :-)

willneliz said...

You said you have a lack of creativity? Right...this is totally creative!!

Loved reading it. Love you and am once again reminded how much we have in common. Miss you

Chris and Lesley Maloon said...

I would just like to say that I have always felt strangely drawn to India as well! Weird!


Enjoyed this post!

C said...

You're beautiful. Happy Birthday!

marcijudd said...

I love Wen. I could probably still get it at cost by the gallon