22 June 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Sometimes I laugh at how ADD my thoughts can be. My mind is nearly never quiet. Perhaps that's why blogging is so easy, and meditation is such a challenge. I haven't really meditated since March. I'm overdue! But I digress...

I thought it might be interesting to see where my mind wanders in a short amount of time.

I'm so happy that I ate healthy today! I don't feel sick at all.

A steakhouse is no place for a vegan. Seriously.
I went to Longhorn Steakhouse and the menu was gross. Who eats beanless chili?? None of it looked remotely healthy. We're in the middle of a massive recession, and they're still in business??

Oh, and I totally couldn't tell if that manager was boy or a girl. I concluded that she was mostly girl. Maybe.

I'll never cut my hair that short. I think it's at it's shortest now. I like wearing it curly again. I should take pictures with that new camera once I figure it out... But anyway, it probably won't get any shorter; unless I get super old.
Oh...growing old now implies a long, long time without Ben... Ugh.
New topic!!

That astrology website T. Thorpe showed me is super interesting. Ben was...no..IS such a Leo. He's so cute. I only love him more now.

I love my friends. In Ben's absence, I have been blessed with such amazing people in my life. I'm so looking forward to seeing two of these cute girls on Saturday.
And even more excited for the girls' weekend in July with T. Thorpe! Hot rocks, facials, manis, pedis, PJs, Edwardo Cullen, laughing 'till we cry! Cannot wait! (16 DAYS!!)
Oh, and that concert in August with Lizzie B!
I just love them all!

A cute friend posted a youtube link on her FB. It was her aunt's gluten-free turkey meatball recipe. She said that they are to live for. I really like that. I'll start using it (and credit her for it, if asked).

Ever since October 21st, it has bothered me when people use death as an emphasis. I fight back cringing whenever I hear that someone is "dead serious" or something is "to die for" or if someone would "die for" someone else (IE children). While I appreciate the sentiment, my girls need me to live for them. Choosing to live is (more often than not) the more courageous choice.

Jocee is now singing along to a Tinkerbell song. I adore that sweet little voice. She has most of the words right. Something about "when you open your heart"...

Hmm...is my heart open??
This requires deeper, unblogged introspection...
So, there it is! A few minutes in my head. Maybe I'll do this monthly...

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