01 January 2011

I get it!

I catch it at least twice a day...and I smile to myself.

8 letters
3 words
1 meaning

"I love you."

Message received.

1 comment:

Garn said...

It is interesting how people you have never met impact you. I thought of you and your cute little family on more than one occasion through the holidays. I hope you were able to enjoy being with your family (all of them, even those you could only feel) on Christmas.

Being the inlaw of those lost is an interesting place to be. Weird how I feel guilty sometimes for the grief I do have, almost like I didn't earn the right to grieve. Weird I know.

I admire those of you who have been impacted so much and yet are such great examples to all in how you deal with it. May God continue to bless all of you in 2011.