15 January 2011

Ben: the workout buff

With all those ambitions weight loss resolutions going around, I've been reminded of Ben a lot. He was notorious for it. But if he wasn't hiking or fishing or playing some sport, those goals were pretty useless.

Like after I had Jocee.... When she was about 4 months old I got serious about losing the baby weight. Ben saw my determination, and must have felt inspired. I remember playing with Jocee in her room one day. He was strutting around the apartment, eating an apple and holding one of my Pilates DVDs (a 20-minute ab workout). He was so cocky as he told me his plan---20 minutes a day and some better food choices would get him right where he wanted to be.

I warned him that it would be an intense 20 minutes (since I usually quit 10 minutes in...). He brushed me off and went out to the living room to get started. About five minutes into it, I heard him struggling. It took all the composure I had to stifle my laughter.

And just like I had done before, he mumbled some expletive and stopped the DVD...halfway through. He came into Jocee's room, told me Pilates was for chicks, and never attempted it again.

But I couldn't blame him. It was an intense 20 minutes... :)


In the summer of 2008, when gas prices were sky rocketing... Ben was constantly complaining about how he was gaining weight then, too. (Whatever.) His solution was to buy a bike. Riding it to work would save on gas, and trim his waist line. (Whatever.)

I was totally against it. I knew exactly what would happen. Even my sister remembers me telling her my detailed predictions. With him always running late in the mornings and a weird work schedule, the outcome was inevitable.

I told him how I felt.
He didn't listen.
I was too pregnant to care.
He bought one anyway.
I was right.
He never used it.

Except for this ONE time....

Did I mention I was pregnant with Sophie that summer?? Hah... Well, I was usually annoyed and wanted him to help me with cleaning more.

He was super annoyed at me, too. I wasn't good at restricting myself to partial bed rest (doctor's orders). I remember following him out to the living room, as we went back and forth. We continued on, having two different conversations until he said he was leaving.
I thanked him. (He was getting on my very last hormonally-shot nerve, so I welcomed the break.)

For the first (and only) time ever, he grabbed that bike and walked out the door. He seemed extra annoyed at me too, so I figured he'd be gone a while.

No more than 10 minutes later he was back; out of breath and a little bit sweaty. I was sitting on the couch. He happily walked over to me, kissed me, and went to shower. Again, I had to stifle laughter.
Easiest argument ever.
And so lately whenever I pop a Pilates DVD in the player or see his once used bike in the garage...I think of these stories and smile to myself.

I love Ben.

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