21 May 2011

Today I thought about...

  • How he carried a black pocket knife everywhere. And how he'd whip it out any time I'd ask for scissors.
  • How he'd always insist on sitting right next to me in restaurants (instead of across the table).
  • How he'd make up little songs for me. And how they usually came out sounding more like brand jingles.
  • His laugh. How it got high-pitched when something was super funny.
  • How he wouldn't fix his cowlick in the morning, if I told him it looked cute.
  • How he'd sometimes refer to himself in the third person. "Don't worry. Your Benny will fix it."
  • How he was the only person I knew who still used the word, "gnarly."
  • How he'd make the same exact facial expressions that I'd recognize from his kiddie photos.
  • How he'd draw hearts on my palm. (Along with so many other things I've already mentioned before.)
  • How as I fell asleep in bed at night, he'd always put a pillow between my knees so that my lower back wouldn't hurt. And how he'd laugh as I grumbled each time, because he kind of woke me up.

...what it felt like to be around Ben.

I hope I don't ever forget...even the littlest things.


Tahsha said...

random how I found your blog. My husband died in a plane crash three months ago. Feel your pain and enjoy your blog. thanks for sharing.

Garn said...

Thanks for sharing.

Danielle said...

<3 I don't know you at all (minus the reading your blog and the comments you've left on mine), but my heart breaks for you to see posts like this. If I were in the same town as you I'd drive to your house and give you a big hug right now.

Although, I can only assume you might find it a little stalkerish and creepy if I showed up at your door step and hugged you...