30 November 2010

Stream of Consciousness: Nov

I totally spaced a Stream of Consciousness post last month. But I didn't like what I was thinking about most of that time anyway. Sometimes I think it's dumb to write one. But, whatever. Here's some mind puke!

I feel really quiet lately. Is it obvious?? I feel like my writing skills have plummeted.

I'm really glad this month is over. I'll be really glad when next month is over, too. I keep having flashbacks of where I was last year. In complete shock. The holidays came on so quickly and I was too numb to care.

Call me crazy, but I kind of miss being numb like that. This year I get to be acutely aware of what my new normal is. Ben isn't here (physically), and that will become more and more normal. Yuck. Denial has worn off and reality is raw. There's nothing to shield me from it.

Soo I'm being super lame and listening to emo crap. I used to make fun of people who did that. Like My December.... I don't want it to be December tomorrow... Ha! Gotta snap out of it. Hmmm....something upbeat....

Oh! Thanksgiving was wicked fun (See that?? Hah!). I forgot how much I've missed holidays in New England. And my family is the funniest! I love them so much. :)

I wish my babies weren't sick. They're the sweetest. I love that they are best friends. It makes everything worth it. Sophie is saying the cutest things... I should write a post all about that.

And that's pretty much where my head is at. I'll be better soon.


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