27 April 2009

Future Cosmetologist?

While I was making breakfast this morning, I noticed that Jocee was being pretty quiet -never a good thing! I found her sitting in the hallway with my make-up bag on her lap and eyeliner in hand. I had thought everything was organized and put away. However, now that she has figured out how to use her training potty as a makeshift stepping stool, the counter-top in the main bathroom is no longer safe.

At first I wanted to panic. But upon further inspection, I must admit, I was actually somewhat impressed. She had carefully placed all caps back on the appropriate containers after she had used what she needed. Nothing was empty, overused, or all over the walls! All of my make-up was perfectly intact. With a sigh of relief, I found a better place for my make-up bag, and went back to clean Jocee's face off.

When I actually looked at her, I was shocked by what I saw! All of the products she used had ended up in the correct general area of her face! She had been very deliberate about it all. There was bronzer near her cheeks, tinted moisturizer on her face (near her ears), black eyeliner dotted near her left eye, and mascara on her top left lashes (and eyelid),!! Pretty accurate for a girl without a mirror and amateur motor skills! After all of the times she has sat and watched me do my make-up, she was honestly just trying to apply it all correctly. I couldn't stop laughing! She was a little confused. I think she had been expecting a "time-out."

I'm just so proud of her!
  1. She didn't make a mess!
  2. Everything was capped and put away after usage!
  3. What had been applied, was almost applied correctly!
  4. Most importantly...She didn't go overboard!! At 2 years old she already understands that a little bit of make up goes a long way.
But with looks like hers, she won't need make-up anyway! Nothing can mimic natural beauty!

(Oh, and the brown eyeliner on her chin was partially my fault. I had gasped when I saw her in the hallway, causing her to jump. The pencil was headed straight for her eye...area, though!)


Jodi Reeve said...

Kids learn quickly, it is amazing what they like to do because mom does it too. Thankfully I haven't had a problem with my boys and make up, at least not yet.

The Sitton Family said...

That is so cute!!!! I love how she just sits and poses for the pictures!

Hill Family said...

What a smartie! That's adorable.

The Hills said...

Jodi, you def don't know Jocee at all! It's a miracle that my makeup wasn't completely destroyed. And I've seen other little kids pictures...lipstick in the hair, mascara up the nose, etc.. But, yays for your boys knowing that makeup is for girls. :)

Crystal, I know! She was so proud! She actually begged me not to wipe it off. Soo I brought out the paints and let her go to town! By the time she needed a bath, she had forgotten ALL about it. LOL

Kasey said...


Crystal Stanworth said...

love it! the last thing you want to hear from these little toddlers is "nothing." hahaha! always a cause for alarm.