06 April 2009

Jocelyn is TWO!!

Today at 9:46 am, Jocee turned two years old! The realization is actually bittersweet, in a way. Bitter, because the last two years have passed much too quickly. Sweet, because watching her grow up is nothing short of a complete joy! We are loving every new phase as it comes. Jocee is talking so clearly. She is such a sassy little girl and likes to voice her opinions on things.

Jocee loves being Mommy's Helper. She always wants to help me while I'm cleaning. She likes to help unload and load the dishwasher, throwing things in the trash, getting fresh diapers for Sophie, putting her toys away & always wants to sweep & mop the floors. Whenever she sees me cleaning she yells, "HELPER!!" and comes running. Although she's usually underfoot, she always means well.

She is a little fashionista! Every morning she leads me to her closet and says, "Mommy, my outfit!" Seriously! I usually give her a choice between two different outfits. I have a pretty good idea of what her favorites are. I have also caught her in our closet trying to wear my clothes.

(Jocee wearing Mommy's VS PINK robe)

She is a total girly girl! She loves dolls, babies, princesses, tiaras, talking on the phone, playing dress up, jewelry, play make up, etc... She loves all things feminine. She often tells us that she is a princess. ("I a Pin-cess!!)

Jocee is very maternal. She is so loving towards her little sister. If Sophie is crying, Jocee rushes to comfort her. She gently pats Sophie's back during tummy time. She always offers to hold Sophie and gives little kisses. She is also very sweet with her dolls. Ben always says that our grand babies are going to be very lucky.

Jocee is very tech-savy. She has figured out how to use both of our cell phones and the DVD player. It's crazy! She is always turning on her favorite movie, "Lady & the Tramp."

Other Cute Facts
  • Jocee calls herself Cee-cee or Oh-see, because she hasn't quite figured out the "J" sound. It's adorable!
  • Jocee LOVES to sing!! She knows all the words to "Itsy Bitsy Spider." She is always asking me to sing different songs with her. She is one of the few people (if not only) who like my singing voice! haha Her favorites right now are, "The Cuppy Cake Song," "The ABCs," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," & "All the Single Ladies"...by Beyonce...
  • She has a "Beyonce dance" whenever that music video comes on VH1!!
  • Jocee LOVES books!! She loves to have someone read to her or to pretend to read on her own. Two books that I have to read at bedtime are, I'm a Big Sister, and You're All My Favorites. (Thank you, Grandpa & Nana!!)
  • Jocee loves talking on the phone! She calls Omie & Papa in Boston at least once a day (sometimes more). She has also been known to call Auntie Laura (my sister) & Nana (Elaine). My apologies to anyone else in my contacts who may have been inadvertently called...
  • She likes to name off different animals and tell us what the animals "say." (Sometimes I'll know she's on the phone with my mom because she'll be making different animal noises. haha!)
  • Jocee's favorite color is PINK! Whenever she is given a choice she always chooses pink!
  • Jocee has some artistic tendencies. If left to her own devices she'll always end up "decorating" something. Magic erasers have become one of my favorite things. But Jocee is always willing to help clean up...

  • Her favorite animals are puppies! She gets so excited when she sees dogs outside or on TV. There's a little Springer Spaniel named "Lady" that lives nearby. Jocee LOVES her. I'm pretty sure Ben will end up getting her a dog eventually.
  • Jocee LOVES to cuddle! Every morning she comes in our bedroom and cuddles with Mommy & Daddy. She loves being the center of attention.
When it comes to Jocee, I could go on and on indefinitely. We couldn't ask for a sweeter girl. It has been a joy to watch her grow and progress. She really is becoming her own little person with her own likes and dislikes. We love her so much and are so happy that she is part of our family!!

Happy Birthday to our Little Miss!


the speers said...

Aww--happy birthday sweet girl!! She's SO cute! I'm so jealous that you have Lady and the Tramp, I love that movie! :D lol I hope I get to have a girly girl like Jocee!! I love it! Her cake is SO cute, too!! Don't you love it when they sing? I think it's so weird how little they are but they totally get it!! so fun!

The Hills said...

Thanks, Chira! It is weird! Sometimes I think she understands too much, ya know? Oh & I've totally got my fingers crossed that we have a boy someday!