20 July 2009

Seriously So Blessed!

One of my biggest pet peeves lately is braggy blogs. What is the point? I must have missed the memo....

It just seems like there are a lot of people who set up family blogs, just so they can brag. If you judge these people's lives solely by what they chose to post on the internet, everything just seems too perfect. It's as if they try to paint a pretty little picture of what they want their lives to look like.

In the end, it's all just smoke and mirrors.

Anyway, a few nights ago I came across this.

It's a spoof on stereotypical Utah/Mormon girls' blogs.
I have been laughing almost non-stop!

If I ever come across this way, please feel free to punch me in the face.


the speers said...

HA!!!!! So funny! I totally want to go back and read more--I love it!

The Sitton Family said...

I've seen that before, its pretty funny!

Melody said...

Is that girl for real? She doesn't seem real!
She was thankful that her husband hated who she told him to hate! I mean...Seriously?
It does make me laugh...but think at the same time if she's for real!

The Hills said...

No. It's a SPOOF. I'm pretty sure it's written by a bitter guy, or several bitter guys who are sick of Utah girls.

C said...

You are so funny! And that blog is pretty amusing!