12 July 2009

Happy Birthday, Lillian!!

Today is this cute girl's first birthday!!

Yesterday we went to the beach, yet again, to celebrate with friends and family! It was definitely the funnest First Birthday party Jocee has ever been to.

These girls love each other!

My mom and I spent the time switching off between the two girls. Sophie was definitely the easier one! Here is the one & only picture I took to prove that she was there...

Jocee spent the majority of the time playing in the water with all the other little kids there. When she saw them wearing swimming goggles, she insisted on wearing her sunglasses. One of the only things that got her out of the water was the cake!
Jocee is so funny! She actually sang "Happy Birthday" to herself before she took a bite.

Chris and Maureen did such an awesome job planning and hosting the party! I have never seen Jocee run around and play so much. She was busy from start to finish. When we got home she actually asked to go to bed at 7:30!

Happy Birthday Lillian!

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