04 December 2010

Ginny is Currently....

...feeling slightly gluttonous.
...and scatterbrained too! :)
...grateful for the family and sweet friends who put up with her!
...certain that she is the mommy of two of the funniest people alive!
...wishing she lived in a warmer climate!
...wondering why she gave up on hot chocolate for so long.
...so glad she got a GPS! haha
...anticipating an upcoming UT trip.
...missing Ginger's Garden Cafe.
...almost done with Christmas shopping.
...thinking colored lights on the tree are soo tacky.
...can't believe how much the girls have grown in one year.
...thinking her toes could use a fresh coat or two of magenta.
...having too many blonde moments.
...listening to the same song on repeat.
...needing to do laundry instead.
...remembering the sweeter things.
...looking forward to 2011.

...loving her babies.
...grateful for sweet memories.
...wishing he was here.

1 comment:

My Loves and My Life said...

This was a cute post! Everytime I see dot .. dots, I think of Amber's crazy Ebay guy! lol But I am totally feeling the following 2:

..feeling slightly gluttonous.
..looking forward to 2011.

Mostly right now I'd have to stick with the gluttonous one. Oh yes, oh so gluttonous "dot dot"