A good friend wrote a cute post about her "inner geek." I loved it, and so I wanted to play copy cat. It's so true that we're all a little odd in our ways.
Here are a few of mine!
Here are a few of mine!
1. I can listen to the same song over and over and over, and never get sick of it.

2. I sleep with at least 4 pillows every night. And one of them always has to be wedged between my knees.

3. I leave glasses of water out all the time. I'm always trying to get in those eight glasses a day. But more often than not, they end up unfinished and abandoned (on the night stand, counter top, book cases, computer desk...everywhere!).

4. I've been told that my method for clothing shopping is a little quirky. I'm always drawn to classic silhouettes, but I LOVE bright colors. Sometimes I'll see something basic, and try to find something similar with a bold accent.

5. Sometimes...when I'm all alone...I dance and sing loudly. I'm always terribly off key and ridiculous, but I love it. (Think, Hillary Swank in PS...I Love You)
6. I've been known to laugh and cry simultaneously. It's such an odd sight and sound. Just ask T. Thorpe!

7. I really love old movies. Lately I've been watching a lot of Audrey Hepburn. She's so adorable! Breakfast at Tiffany's is definitely one of my all time favorites. Jocee and Sophie have seen it so much that they'll sing along to Moon River. Love it!

8. I am the quintessential embodiment of clumsy! I've been known to fall down an entire flight of stairs at 3:00 am (with complete grace and poise, of course). So funny! Ask me about it sometime...
I have also passed this ability on to Jocee. She can do a full-on gymnast routine down the stairs and land almost on her feet. (Ask T. Thorpe about that one, too. She'll tell you all about it if she can manage to control her laughter!)

9. Anything I read, I edit in my head. I just can't help it. (I know I've mentioned this one before, but it's true!) The only exception to this is when I read emails from friends.
Absolutely loves it!!
& you too!
quirky quirk- its a word I can say all day for hours on end!!
Thanks for doing this post!! LOVE it! And thanks for the dedication!
I do the same with a pillow between my knees!
Looking forward to Sunday!!!
So funny!!! I ALWAYS edit...some things drive me crazy! you should totally go into writing! lol and I think it's so funny that Jocee is as clever on the stairs as you...Caden always walks into door ways and the couches, I think he gets it from me! :D haha
Ginny you are the cutest. I love these glimpses into your life. You are so fun!
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