13 January 2010


I used to like the concept of making new year's resolutions.
I'd make a list of things to improve upon, and usually follow through with each goal for the duration of the year.

My resolutions for 2009 were...
  • Lose the last of the baby weight (11 lbs)
  • Get super buff with Yoga & Pilates
  • Floss daily
  • Save money (I.E. cut the grocery bill in at least half)
  • Try at least one new recipe each week
  • Potty train Jocelyn by October
  • Pay off credit cards & work toward being debt free
For the record, I was able to keep most of these resolutions for nearly the duration of the year. Get super buff and floss daily hit a speed bump when the girls and I went to Boston over the summer. All other goals were accomplished.

Then everything fell apart on 21 October 2009. Everything.
My whole world.
Suddenly this list along with so many other things, meant nothing.

In the light of my new circumstances, I can't help but roll my eyes when someone says they want to lose a definitive amount of weight, or cut out some specific food, or get super buff. Because really, none of that matters.

I've felt differently this year. But only because I am different this year. I couldn't bring myself to compile a new list of changes to make. This is mainly because I still can't wrap my mind around the truth... The three of us will be without Ben this year, and so many years to come.

But a thought occurred to me yesterday...
In a sense, I have already resolved to be better.
My resolutions happened almost subconsciously, and at a different time.
These goals were not made on the 1st of January at 12:00 am, but instead on 21 Oct 2009 at 6:15 pm.

These are not changes for a new year, but decisions made for the remainder of my life....
1. I will value and appreciate the people in my life. Never again will I take someone for granted.

2. Never again will I make a fitness or weight loss goal based upon the number on a scale or the size marked in my jeans. If I do make a goal of this nature, it will be solely for the health of my body and spirit.

3. Each day I will resolve to do better than the day before.


Kings said...

awesome goals! Much better than most! You sound sure of yourself...and it makes me happy :)

Maryblog said...

Thank you Ginny! Those are the type of goals that I am going to have because those are the ones that I know will be most rewarding to me and most beneficial. Thank you for your constant reminding and uplifting!