23 September 2009

Happy Birthday, Laura!

(Since I composed a list for Ben, and since I am horrible with sending cards in a timely fashion---if at all---I decided to do the same for my one and only sister on her birthday!)

Laura and I are about as different as two sisters can be. However, there is a lot that I admire, respect, and love about this girl. Today at 11:00 pm EST, she turns 22 years old.

To my sister, on her birthday...

22 Things I Love About,
aura Happnie

1. Of the two of us, she was definitely the cuter baby.

2. Laura is smart; the smartest in our family! She will soon complete her Bachelor's degree in secondary education...art major with a minor in math.

3. She is a very talented artist. She can paint, draw, and has an amazing eye for photography.

4. She is an amazing aunt! Jocee completely adores her! This is mainly because, they are so incredibly alike.

As Laura would say, "We are twins. Just born at different times."

5. Laura is hilarious! Anyone who knows her would agree.

6. I really love her fashion sense...90% of the time.

And the other 10%...she doesn't care!

7. She doesn't care what other people think...ever!
(Like when I relentlessly begged her to grow her bangs out. She may be growing them out now, but only because she wants to.)

8. She speaks her mind, and is never hesitant to put someone in their place.

9. She started wearing big sunglasses before they were trendy.

10. She is always there for her friends.

11. She loves animals...any and all!!

And they love her...

12. I admire Laura's ability to live in the moment. She is only concerned with the "here and now."

13. She lives without regret.

14. Laura is fearless. Almost nothing scares her.

15. She is open-minded. She'll try almost anything once.

16. Laura is a free-spirit. She is a bit of a hippy.

17. ....and a tree-hugger, and a PETA activist.

18. She has the prettiest, naturally thick, naturally blonde hair that I've always been jealous of.

19. It's safe to say that Laura is somewhat of an extremist. When she commits to something she embraces it wholeheartedly.

20. Laura is creative, and has an extremely expressive personality.

21. She is adventurous, and likes to make everything fun.

22. Laura will always be young at heart!

Happy Birthday, Laura!
Thank you, for being my sister!
Thank you, for being such a good auntie to my girls!
Thank you, for always being who you are!

18 September 2009

Partners in Crime

I love Skype...and so does Jocee. After Ben got home from work on Thursday, Jocee asked, "Talk Papa and Omie? Skype?"

Ben took her upstairs to the desktop, and called my parents. Within minutes Sophie and I followed.

After talking to my mom, the girls started giggling and chasing each other. They played happily for minutes on end. Ben posted to his favorite site, and I sat on our bed listening to the cuteness.

As we talked about how we definitely have the sweetest girls ever, I thought about how happy I am that they are so close in age. Despite all the exhausting work they can be, it's the priceless little moments like this one that make it all so worth it.

Their laughter eventually died down.
And then...there was silence.
Knowing what this means, I asked Ben to check on them.
Sophie's bedroom door was closed.

I then heard Ben yell, "Hey, Mama! Come here quick. You gotta see this!"
They got into the Cetaphil lotion.
That new container was nearly half empty.

When will we learn?
Quiet Babies=BIG Messes!!

We love our girls!

11 September 2009

Fun With Cousins

Last Sunday we finally got to see Joe, Sara, Adam & Tafton!

It had been too long! They all moved to OR about a year ago, but since Sara is now pursuing a PhD up at the U, we'll get to see them more often. (Yay!)

It was pretty last minute, but a lot of fun getting to catch up.

Jocee was very excited to share her princess couch and watch "Beauty and the Beast" with them.
(Although, sharing really isn't her thing--yet! Adam & Tafton were very patient with her.)

This totally made me realize how much little girl stuff we have! What will I do if we ever have a boy?!


Belle is the new favorite princess right now! She had been asking for "Princess Belle" for a while and couldn't be happier to finally get the movie. Jocee would watch it all day if I'd let her. She tries to sing along to all the songs (most words are wrong), and always explains what's going on in the movie to me--like I haven't seen it before.

I love this girly girl!

Disclaimer: Our bedroom doesn't normally look like that! I had just barely gotten back from Boston at that point. Ben was too busy with work to do much unpacking.

03 September 2009

Just about had a panic attack

Until I realized it was an old one. Not having this would have put me out of work till I could get a new one, and the FAA isn't known for their prompt deliveries.

01 September 2009

Black Thumb

Back in May I posted about how Ben bought this little tomato plant, in hopes of teaching Jocee about how things grow. (For more about that, click here.)
Since then, that little tomato plant has endured a great deal. Jocee would feed it crackers, Cheerios, chips & salsa, apple juice....even vinegar. But that plant withstood the abuse, and even seemed to grow. For a time, I wonder if maybe Jocee knew something about plants that we didn't.

THEN Jocee plucked nearly all of it's little green leaves off, leaving it almost naked. We were both sure the plant was done. Ben had tried, and his intentions were good.

However, despite our surrender that plant rebounded and recovered! Shocking.

While the girls and I were all in Boston, Ben moved us into a cheaper condo. During the commotion, he left the plant in Richard & Elaine's care. They took care of it better than we ever did, and returned it to Ben in good condition once the move was complete.

Last week, after taking the girls for a walk around the new neighborhood; I noticed this on the front porch...and laughed to myself....

Typical us!!

And the kicker...
Now that we have the space, I want to plant a garden next year.