13 June 2011

Ginny, circa 1985

Back when Precious Moments, pinkish sweaters, PB&J, yogurt, chatting on the phone, and being two were some of my favorite things...


(NOTE: My parents didn't cut my hair like a boy or anything. That's just as long as it was.)


the speers said...

shut up! that is the cutest thing ever!! Were you really on the phone, or were you just playing?! I love it...your girls look so much like you as a wee lass!! and that sweater is darling...if your mom kept your girls could totally rock it out!!

The Hills said...

Haha! Thanks! No, I was for sure talking on the phone.--Probably to my dad! And I so wish my mom kept that sweater! She's notorious for getting rid of stuff :)