22 February 2011

In between the lines

(NOTE: This is another old draft. I'm really good at starting posts and not quite finishing them. But every once in a while I either delete them, or upload them. So...here!)

The other day I was talking to a good friend about how human interaction works. First there are the words exchanged. I like to call that the superficial conversation. Then there's the real conversation; voice inflection, body language...all that nonverbal stuff.

I really hate when those two parts don't add up. Like when you think you're having one conversation, but really it morphs into something entirely different. It makes me wish people could be genuine all the time.

MA definitely gets one point for realness. People are just naturally more honest, and blunt here. It's refreshing. But there's always room for error...

Story time!
Ginny: Hi, I'm calling to schedule an appointment for a my daughter.
Receptionist: Okay, is she sick?
G: No, just a well checkup. She's two, and a new patient. I actually have two chickies that I'll be bringing here.
R: Then I need information from you first.
G: K, shoot!
R: What insurance do you have?
G: [Gulp. Cringe] The ghetto kind.
R: Hm..lazy. Okay... I need some number off the card...
G: Oh, I gotta find it real quick. Sorry! I'm a total scatterbrain... Okay! Here it is...xxxxxx.
R: Okay, now info on both children?
G: Blah, blah, blah...
R: Two young kids close in age, huh? Ghetto insurance, huh? Do you all have the same last name?
G: Ugh, YES! If I was in Utah you would assume better, and not even ask me that.
R: Now I need emergency contacts.
G: *my info*
R: That's just one. I need two people.
G: Seriously??
R: Yes....
G: [Cringe] Hmm... *my mom's info*
R: Is this Grandma??
G: Yup, but don't call her that.
R: And you live with her?
G: BOTH parents, yes. I know what you're thinking! Stop it!
R: [Sighhhh] When you come in you need to have the insurance card with you, and both of their medical records.
G: I don't have medical records...
R: Well, we need at least the immunization records so we know what shots to give.
G: Ya know what? I know you're annoyed. I get it. But I don't like it....so I'm pulling it!!---- I was widowed, and we've moved a lot this year. You have nooo idea. So maybe I should have records, but I do not.
R: Oh, so you're actually one of those people "the system" wants to be helping.... I get it! I'll be nice now! ---Totally take your time! If you don't mind having the other pediatrician fax immunization records that would be great. No pressure though.
G: Yeah, see that? I won't be white trash forever! And I'll spend extra time making myself look pretty so that I don't look trashy when I come in with my ridiculously cute baby. See ya next week! ecks, oh!
The end.

(Disclaimer: The thing is....I wrote this one before the appointment. I kinda, sorta feel bad because they were all so sweet and understanding when I took Sophie in. And they were so good with her, too. Buggy didn't cry at all, and loves the new doctor and nurse....and fish tank in the waiting room. I am absolutely grateful to have found them.)

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

People are crazy out here! I still takes me off gaurd, but I'm trying turn the tables around without being rude, you did a great job telling that lady how it is!