03 June 2009

Glutton for Punishment

At some point, in the near future, I will be taking a very long flight to Boston, Massachusetts with these two lovely ladies in tow...

Actually, it will be two flights (including that inevitable connecting flight). Originally I was going to be flying out with my sister once she gets done with school at the end of July. BUT..I changed my mind for a variety of reasons.
  • 4th of July is my most favorite holiday-ever. (It seemed silly to miss it.)
  • We only visit my side of the family once a year, so why not say just a little bit longer this time?
  • My parents are the best grandparents ever! I so wish that they had been my grandparents! They always miss the girls.
  • We really want to move to a cheaper condo or house. (It's a total "renter's market" right now.) So it'll be easier for Ben to get things done with us girls being gone.
  • Oh and how many parents have traveled with kids before? Other parents do it all the time! My aunt, Lori traveled with 3 kids--2 of which are 18 months apart...and she was fine! So, I can totally handle this, too!
I've been starting to plan the trip. I've been compiling a list of things to bring, while also trying to think through every possible situation. Maybe that's wasn't a good idea? I'm just making myself nervous! What was I thinking?? Well...I know what I was thinking (see above). But still...do I really have an idea of what I'm in for?

Both girls can get pretty scary without their scheduled naps. They thrive on their schedules. Then there's keeping them entertained for such a long time. Oh, and I'm sure temper tantrums will occur. And when these fits of rage take place, the dirty looks and potential rude comments from childless travelers.

I keep on thinking of that woman that was thrown off an airplane because her son wouldn't stop saying. "Bye-bye airplane!" And how a stewardess had said, "That's what Baby Benadryl is for!" Yikes. I know there was more to that story...
(Oh, but that biatch should know--You can't give Benadryl to babies! Sheesh!)

Luckily, we are flying Southwest! I've never had a bad experience with them. Everyone is always so nice and helpful. For now I'm just trying to plan for anything. I really don't want to be that parent that people look at, wondering why I can't handle my kids. Any ideas from experienced parents would be wonderful!!

I know I can do this. I'm sure I'll find out what I'm really made of! And just think of what an entertaining post that will make!

Anyway, that's all that has been on my mind lately.

(And Ben will be flying back with me, when we go home! Yays for that!)


Jodi Reeve said...

How old is youngest? You may benefit from takng lolly pops with you for take off and landing. They can be kind of messy, but they help with the ear popping, which can be painful for little kids.

Pack as few things as possible to take on the plane, that way you won't have to take care of it and your kids.

Take a stroller that both of your kids can fit on, you can put it on at the gate and it will make transitioning to the other flight less difficult, airports are big places where people walk quickly.

While packing light for on the plane, still have enough in the way of activities and food and diapers. Changing diapers on a plane is no easy task, so try to change before you get on, obviously that isn't a possibility, if they have a stinky diaper on the plane.

Good luck to you! I have had good and bad experiences with me and my kids by myself! I wish you luck!

The Hills said...

I have traveled with a 15 month old while 5 months pregnant. So, I'm not a total rookie. Most of what you said is common sense, but thanks!

Jocee turned 2 in April and Sophie is 7 months old.

Oh and FYI...juice in a sippy cup works just as well as a lolly pop would. Less messy, less sugary.

The Sitton Family said...

I am so happy for you to go! That will be so fun!

Last time I flew home from Utah, Sienna was really sick and I was so scared it was going to be horrible, but this really nice lady with a toddler sat next to me and gave Sienna crayons and paper. It saved me!

I hate flying alone! And you have two! I know you will do great, but I always stress before flights just because you never know!

Melody said...

I traveled with Gabriel and Brooke from Colorado to Mass when Gabriel was 20 months old and Brooke was 2 months old. It's not the easiest thing, but if you keep them both occupied with coloring or if you have a portable DVD player....it will help! I also nursed Brooke, which I'm sure you will be doing with Sophie when you go on the plane.
You would be surprised at how willing some people are to help you out, knowing you have your hands full. I stopped at a little resturant with Gabriel in hand and Brooke in a snuggly and women came from everywhere to help me out! I had some guys carry the stroller for me when it was time to board the plane.
I think you will do just fine :o) Just keep you mind on the beach and the wonderful beach smells and sights when you fly.... ;o)