I'd be lying if I didn't admit that Ben is at the forefront on my thoughts, for the majority of any given day.
(How much the three of us love him, how sweet he is--even now, how grateful I am for the time we were given, and how I wish there were more of it, nostalgia for simpler times, etc...)
But I'm certain I've made that abundantly clear.
The following are some of the lighter things, that I choose to busy my mind with on an almost daily basis.

Yoga has always fascinated me.
I remember the first time I tried it. It was summer. I was 19, and going to school in Idaho. A friend who lived a few apartments down from me came over with a Yoga VHS, and asked if I wanted to try it. She was trying to get a group together.
That first attempt was such a mess! The instructor gave poses for beginner, intermediate, and advanced gurus. Seeking a challenge, I attempted all of the intermediate poses. I spent most of the time teetering, falling over, and laughing at myself! The breathing didn't come naturally either. I remember one girl saying, "Are we really supposed to breath that much?? That's crazy!"
But despite my blundering and awkward breathing, I loved it. I remember sitting on the floor when it was over, and feeling a peaceful clarity.
Since then, I've continued to practiced yoga. But I have yet to be consistent. It needs to become part of my daily routine. And one day, I may just conquer those advanced poses.
Coupled with yoga, I've also tried to meditate more. For me, the two are mutually exclusive. I cannot successfully clear my mind without at least twenty minutes of yoga first.
A good friend once told me, "Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening for the answer."
I couldn't agree more.
The time spent quieting my mind and listening, has proven invaluable. I am always left feeling divinely enlightened, and at peace with my current circumstances.

Lately I've been trying to eat healthier. I've even flirted with the idea of going vegetarian...again. For now that has remained a thought. Maybe someday, I'll give up meat completely (again). Maybe.
For now...
I want to eat foods that are in their purer forms.
I want to trade out cow's milk for almond milk...permanently.
I want foods that are rich in color, antioxidants, and nutrients.
I want food to be fuel for my body, instead of a mindless indulgence.
But at the same time...I also want a cookie.
I want balance.

The human energy field has always amazed me; everything about it.
There is so much that could be said.
My explanations would be inadequate.
It is something I know that I don't know very much about, and I want to understand more.

Normally I wouldn't give this a second thought. I've never bought into zodiac signs or horoscopes at all.
My curiosity was initially sparked after publishing my previous post. I wanted to know why I chose to identify with air. A good friend was equally intrigued and has been researching the different elements with me. We've had so much fun analyzing ourselves, and people we know!
Note: This was inspired by T. Thorpe and her cute post.
But I'm certain I've made that abundantly clear.
The following are some of the lighter things, that I choose to busy my mind with on an almost daily basis.

Yoga has always fascinated me.
I remember the first time I tried it. It was summer. I was 19, and going to school in Idaho. A friend who lived a few apartments down from me came over with a Yoga VHS, and asked if I wanted to try it. She was trying to get a group together.
That first attempt was such a mess! The instructor gave poses for beginner, intermediate, and advanced gurus. Seeking a challenge, I attempted all of the intermediate poses. I spent most of the time teetering, falling over, and laughing at myself! The breathing didn't come naturally either. I remember one girl saying, "Are we really supposed to breath that much?? That's crazy!"
But despite my blundering and awkward breathing, I loved it. I remember sitting on the floor when it was over, and feeling a peaceful clarity.
Since then, I've continued to practiced yoga. But I have yet to be consistent. It needs to become part of my daily routine. And one day, I may just conquer those advanced poses.
Coupled with yoga, I've also tried to meditate more. For me, the two are mutually exclusive. I cannot successfully clear my mind without at least twenty minutes of yoga first.
A good friend once told me, "Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening for the answer."
I couldn't agree more.
The time spent quieting my mind and listening, has proven invaluable. I am always left feeling divinely enlightened, and at peace with my current circumstances.

Lately I've been trying to eat healthier. I've even flirted with the idea of going vegetarian...again. For now that has remained a thought. Maybe someday, I'll give up meat completely (again). Maybe.
For now...
I want to eat foods that are in their purer forms.
I want to trade out cow's milk for almond milk...permanently.
I want foods that are rich in color, antioxidants, and nutrients.
I want food to be fuel for my body, instead of a mindless indulgence.
But at the same time...I also want a cookie.
I want balance.

The human energy field has always amazed me; everything about it.
There is so much that could be said.
My explanations would be inadequate.
It is something I know that I don't know very much about, and I want to understand more.

Normally I wouldn't give this a second thought. I've never bought into zodiac signs or horoscopes at all.
My curiosity was initially sparked after publishing my previous post. I wanted to know why I chose to identify with air. A good friend was equally intrigued and has been researching the different elements with me. We've had so much fun analyzing ourselves, and people we know!
Note: This was inspired by T. Thorpe and her cute post.