Ben loved to tell this story, and in some ways he may have told it better. But since I'm telling it from my perspective, you'll get the long version!

Seven years ago, I met my best friend...
In January, 2003 I moved back out to Idaho (from Boston) for another semester of school at BYU-I (Yes, I went there. Let's not dwell on it...).
Ben was living and going to school in Orem, Utah; a mere 4 hour drive away.
That semester, I had a roommate, Polly. She seemed to know everybody. Eventually she did set me up with a random guy. Over the course of the month, we went on a few dates; nothing special. Soon thereafter, I found out what a jerk he could be. (In retrospect, it really wasn't a big deal. But, whatever.)
At the time, it seemed to be like a big enough ordeal to be angry over.
I came home one night and started venting.
I swore off dating any guy from Idaho ever again.
Polly was in her room talking to someone on the apartment phone.
She handed me the phone and said, "Here, talk to my friend, Ben about it. He's good with advice."
At first I thought it was a little weird. She assured me that he was nice, and walked off. Being the emotional girl that I was, I impulsively took the phone and started talking. We introduced ourselves, and I went into my three week saga of heartache. (So silly now! I could cringe.)
Ben listened patiently, and also told me about a recent breakup of his. This first conversation in January, lasted for over an hour. I found him so easy to talk to. He seemed witty and confident. I felt like he genuinely cared. Oh, and did I mention, he had a really cute phone voice? There was just something about the sound of his voice that I was drawn to.
Two days later he called, and asked for me. He wanted to see how I was doing. By that point I was completely over...what's his name? I didn't think Ben and I would have anything more to talk about. But that second conversation lasted for over two hours.
Each time he called there was never an awkward pause or dead air. Within two weeks he asked for my cellphone number, so that he didn't have to be bothered with calling the apartment phone. We would talk almost every other day. He would tell me all about each of his siblings, his sister who was soon getting married, his friends, what his future plans were etc... And I felt like I could talk to him about anything without judgment.
The best part: He made me laugh during each call.
My roommate, Marci would often joke that Ben and I would definitely get married. But it wasn't a thought that we could really entertain. After all, I didn't even know what he looked like, and chances of us ever meeting in person were slim. One Sunday while we were bored in church (a common occurrence) , she paired our first names with different guys' last names. She then informed me that Ginny Hill fit best.
I remember telling her, "I'm not saying that I want to marry Ben. But I do hope that I can talk to my husband as easily as I can talk to Ben."
The first weekend in April was Spring Break. Marci was going to Salem, UT to visit her cousin. She told me that Salem is close to Orem. We could meet Ben, and if nothing else, be able to put a face to a name. In the beginning of the semester she had talked to him a few times, too.
When Ben called that day, I told him about going to Salem for Spring Break. He immediately purposed a plan to meet up that Friday evening, after his sister's wedding reception.
I remember that night so clearly...
Marci and I went to Blockbuster with her cousin and rented Maid in Manhattan starring Jennifer Lopez... We had completely forgot about Ben, until he called. We agreed on meeting at his apartment complex. On the drive over we told Marci's cousin and her roommate the story behind it. We were both starting to get nervous, and felt somewhat foolish.
Why were we going out of our way to meet this random guy who we met on the phone?
What if he was crazy?
What if he was dangerous?
What if he was ugly??
(I had been told that he was tall, thin, had dark hair, and wore glasses. Really, that could mean anything!)
I called him as we pulled up to the complex ("The Pinnacle"). We saw him almost immediately walking and talking to us on his phone.
I remember getting out of the car and saying, "Hi, Ben?!"
And Ben walked right up to me and gave me a side hug.
(Whenever he would tell the story, he would explain how he fell in love with my smile. But for me, it was his approach. There was absolutely no hesitation. It felt so genuine and natural. That, and he was ridiculously good looking...)
We all talked in his room for maybe a half hour, before everyone else wanted to go. On the drive back to Salem he sent me this text, "You're gone. I'm bored now."
When I read it to Marci she told me, "I know you like him. And he definitely likes you. He can come watch the movie with us...if he wants..."
So, I called Ben and offered...
Me: "Hi, Ben. We're just going back to Marci's cousin's house to watch a movie we rented. You can watch it with us if you want. I know it's pretty far, but that's all we're doing tonight..."
Ben: "Really? What movie?"
Me: "Uhh... "Maid in Manhattan." That one with Jennifer Lopez..."
Ben: "Hmm... Okay! I just have to put some pants on."
Me: "You're not wearing pants??"
Ben: "No. I was. But I took them off. I'll be right over. I'll call for the address when I get close."
Me: Oh my gosh, Marci! He wants to watch the movie with us... He's coming. Guys, he's coming to watch Jennifer Lopez!"
Marci: "Yeah, he likes you a lot."
And so we watched Maid in Manhattan...
When the movie was over, everyone else was asleep. Ben and I chatted for maybe 10 more minutes. I remember him complementing me on how soft my hands looked... I walked him to the door. He gave me another side hug, and told me that he was really happy that he got to meet me.
And that is how I met my best friend...

Seven years ago, I met my best friend...
In January, 2003 I moved back out to Idaho (from Boston) for another semester of school at BYU-I (Yes, I went there. Let's not dwell on it...).
Ben was living and going to school in Orem, Utah; a mere 4 hour drive away.
That semester, I had a roommate, Polly. She seemed to know everybody. Eventually she did set me up with a random guy. Over the course of the month, we went on a few dates; nothing special. Soon thereafter, I found out what a jerk he could be. (In retrospect, it really wasn't a big deal. But, whatever.)
At the time, it seemed to be like a big enough ordeal to be angry over.
I came home one night and started venting.
I swore off dating any guy from Idaho ever again.
Polly was in her room talking to someone on the apartment phone.
She handed me the phone and said, "Here, talk to my friend, Ben about it. He's good with advice."
At first I thought it was a little weird. She assured me that he was nice, and walked off. Being the emotional girl that I was, I impulsively took the phone and started talking. We introduced ourselves, and I went into my three week saga of heartache. (So silly now! I could cringe.)
Ben listened patiently, and also told me about a recent breakup of his. This first conversation in January, lasted for over an hour. I found him so easy to talk to. He seemed witty and confident. I felt like he genuinely cared. Oh, and did I mention, he had a really cute phone voice? There was just something about the sound of his voice that I was drawn to.
Two days later he called, and asked for me. He wanted to see how I was doing. By that point I was completely over...what's his name? I didn't think Ben and I would have anything more to talk about. But that second conversation lasted for over two hours.
Each time he called there was never an awkward pause or dead air. Within two weeks he asked for my cellphone number, so that he didn't have to be bothered with calling the apartment phone. We would talk almost every other day. He would tell me all about each of his siblings, his sister who was soon getting married, his friends, what his future plans were etc... And I felt like I could talk to him about anything without judgment.
The best part: He made me laugh during each call.
My roommate, Marci would often joke that Ben and I would definitely get married. But it wasn't a thought that we could really entertain. After all, I didn't even know what he looked like, and chances of us ever meeting in person were slim. One Sunday while we were bored in church (a common occurrence) , she paired our first names with different guys' last names. She then informed me that Ginny Hill fit best.
I remember telling her, "I'm not saying that I want to marry Ben. But I do hope that I can talk to my husband as easily as I can talk to Ben."
The first weekend in April was Spring Break. Marci was going to Salem, UT to visit her cousin. She told me that Salem is close to Orem. We could meet Ben, and if nothing else, be able to put a face to a name. In the beginning of the semester she had talked to him a few times, too.
When Ben called that day, I told him about going to Salem for Spring Break. He immediately purposed a plan to meet up that Friday evening, after his sister's wedding reception.
I remember that night so clearly...
Marci and I went to Blockbuster with her cousin and rented Maid in Manhattan starring Jennifer Lopez... We had completely forgot about Ben, until he called. We agreed on meeting at his apartment complex. On the drive over we told Marci's cousin and her roommate the story behind it. We were both starting to get nervous, and felt somewhat foolish.
Why were we going out of our way to meet this random guy who we met on the phone?
What if he was crazy?
What if he was dangerous?
What if he was ugly??
(I had been told that he was tall, thin, had dark hair, and wore glasses. Really, that could mean anything!)
I called him as we pulled up to the complex ("The Pinnacle"). We saw him almost immediately walking and talking to us on his phone.
I remember getting out of the car and saying, "Hi, Ben?!"
And Ben walked right up to me and gave me a side hug.
(Whenever he would tell the story, he would explain how he fell in love with my smile. But for me, it was his approach. There was absolutely no hesitation. It felt so genuine and natural. That, and he was ridiculously good looking...)
We all talked in his room for maybe a half hour, before everyone else wanted to go. On the drive back to Salem he sent me this text, "You're gone. I'm bored now."
When I read it to Marci she told me, "I know you like him. And he definitely likes you. He can come watch the movie with us...if he wants..."
So, I called Ben and offered...
Me: "Hi, Ben. We're just going back to Marci's cousin's house to watch a movie we rented. You can watch it with us if you want. I know it's pretty far, but that's all we're doing tonight..."
Ben: "Really? What movie?"
Me: "Uhh... "Maid in Manhattan." That one with Jennifer Lopez..."
Ben: "Hmm... Okay! I just have to put some pants on."
Me: "You're not wearing pants??"
Ben: "No. I was. But I took them off. I'll be right over. I'll call for the address when I get close."
Me: Oh my gosh, Marci! He wants to watch the movie with us... He's coming. Guys, he's coming to watch Jennifer Lopez!"
Marci: "Yeah, he likes you a lot."
And so we watched Maid in Manhattan...
When the movie was over, everyone else was asleep. Ben and I chatted for maybe 10 more minutes. I remember him complementing me on how soft my hands looked... I walked him to the door. He gave me another side hug, and told me that he was really happy that he got to meet me.
And that is how I met my best friend...

such a beautiful and sweet story! It is nice t have such nice memories!
oh i just love that story! -- gave me butterflies :) And I have a hunch you were smiling the whole time you wrote it. lol
Aww, i LOVE your love story! "you're not wearing pants" made me laugh out loud.
WHAT a sweet story! I agree, I too, LOL at "You're not wearing pants?" What a beautiful, divinely guided meeting. Thanks for sharing Ginny, brought tears to my eyes.
Love it :)
I always wondered exactly how it happened. An amazing story,Ginnny! No doubt about it, it was meant to be.
You had told me a little bit about how you met...and the full story is just wonderful! Add in the Eternal aspect and it makes it that much more wonderful!
I love that you remember so many details. How can I believe that you 'completely forgot' about Ben when you were renting the movie, though?? :) Good story. Hey - I just had a thought - if it weren't for me, you might have never met, because I am the reason Polly knew Ben. Hmmm! Cwazy!
LOL Candice! That thought did cross my mind. I give most of the credit to you!
What ever happened to Polly? Hmm.
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