It snowed today...
It snowed a lot.
And as I watched it fall, I thought of this...

Ben loved my cooking...99% of the time.
As for that other one is perfect!
But regardless of the outcome, he always said that I made things with love.
I'm a bit of a chocolate addict.
Okay, okay...
I lied...
I'm a full-blown chocoholic.
As soon as the chill of autumn sets in, my affair with hot chocolate ensues. Whenever Ben was home on cold, snowy days (especially weekends), he would offer to make me some. He took the responsibility very seriously.
There's a specific hot chocolate, made by a coffee shop near my home growing up. That shop has since closed down, but I've always remembered it as the best I've ever had. Nothing else could compare.
Two years ago, Ben set out to recreate this hot chocolate for me. He tried so many varying concoctions. And just last year, after several failed attempts, he got it just right. It was exactly as I remembered it.
He would offer to make it for me often. And each time, he'd ask if I could "taste the love?"
And I could.
Thank you, Benny.
Thank you for showing your love for me, in simple but sweet ways.
It snowed a lot.
And as I watched it fall, I thought of this...

Ben loved my cooking...99% of the time.
As for that other one is perfect!
But regardless of the outcome, he always said that I made things with love.
I'm a bit of a chocolate addict.
Okay, okay...
I lied...
I'm a full-blown chocoholic.
As soon as the chill of autumn sets in, my affair with hot chocolate ensues. Whenever Ben was home on cold, snowy days (especially weekends), he would offer to make me some. He took the responsibility very seriously.
There's a specific hot chocolate, made by a coffee shop near my home growing up. That shop has since closed down, but I've always remembered it as the best I've ever had. Nothing else could compare.
Two years ago, Ben set out to recreate this hot chocolate for me. He tried so many varying concoctions. And just last year, after several failed attempts, he got it just right. It was exactly as I remembered it.
He would offer to make it for me often. And each time, he'd ask if I could "taste the love?"
And I could.
Thank you, Benny.
Thank you for showing your love for me, in simple but sweet ways.
What coffee shop ? Very cute story :-)
So what is the concoction that you love? I love making homemade hot chocolate.... Wanna share? :)
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