Some of my favorite memories with Ben are when he was laughing hysterically. Whenever I think of his laugh and how much I adore it, one memory always sticks out in my mind...
Back in November 2007, we went on a date & saw this movie...

Back in November 2007, we went on a date & saw this movie...

We rarely ever went to see movies in the theater. Rentals were always easier, cheaper, and less disappointing if we didn't enjoy them.
I'm not sure that I can fully express how comical and clever this movie was to us. And as far as I know, we liked it more than any of our other friends who saw it.
This was in part because we both felt that we could relate to the story on some level. If Ben were ever to be widowed, I could picture him acting and reacting similarly to the main character (and he didn't disagree).
We could picture Jocelyn in 14 years--equally as high strung, intense, and hormonal as the middle daughter. Such a scary, yet funny thought!
We both laughed nearly the entire time. But Ben laughed more than I had seen him laugh in months. There were several instances when he had to cover his mouth in an effort to be considerate to the people around us. He later called it, "Knee-slapping-while-trying-to-cover-your-mouth-and-not-fall-out-of-your-chair...funny." Yes, he liked it that much.
He bought the movie the day it came out on DVD. It became our favorite movie to watch together. Seven days before everything happened, he held it up and said, "We should watch this together again."
Oh, how I wish we had made the time...
My half-hearted apologies to anyone who decides to see this movie because of my post, and gets disappointed. I guess it's a "Ben and Ginny thing." You wouldn't understand!
I'm not sure that I can fully express how comical and clever this movie was to us. And as far as I know, we liked it more than any of our other friends who saw it.
This was in part because we both felt that we could relate to the story on some level. If Ben were ever to be widowed, I could picture him acting and reacting similarly to the main character (and he didn't disagree).
We could picture Jocelyn in 14 years--equally as high strung, intense, and hormonal as the middle daughter. Such a scary, yet funny thought!
We both laughed nearly the entire time. But Ben laughed more than I had seen him laugh in months. There were several instances when he had to cover his mouth in an effort to be considerate to the people around us. He later called it, "Knee-slapping-while-trying-to-cover-your-mouth-and-not-fall-out-of-your-chair...funny." Yes, he liked it that much.
He bought the movie the day it came out on DVD. It became our favorite movie to watch together. Seven days before everything happened, he held it up and said, "We should watch this together again."
Oh, how I wish we had made the time...
My half-hearted apologies to anyone who decides to see this movie because of my post, and gets disappointed. I guess it's a "Ben and Ginny thing." You wouldn't understand!
I am really enjoying hearing about you and Ben. And getting to know Ben through your memories! You are an amazing woman!
And Ben is an amazing man and I am sure he is watching you proud of you and all you do to remember him! and all that you do to raise your girls!
I also loved that movie!! Steve Carell is one funny man!
OH WE LOVED THIS MOVIE TOO!!! What a fun date! I can't imagine anyone not laughing so hard at the "murderer of love" part!!
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