Now that I've actually unpacked my suitcase, and done my laundry...
That trip was so fun! I miss it.
(And because I miss it, I'm going to ramble on and on about it! ;))Before I left I decided on two things.
1. I was going to take every opportunity to try new things.
2. I was going be semi-nomadic and stay with different people.
(Ben Franklin did say, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." True enough! ) So, I landed in CA around 1:30 on
Friday, the 11th.
My cute aunt, Mary and her hubby, Ben took me on a tour around the Loma Linda University medical school. He teaches there, and has written text books. Impressive, huh? They showed me everything...even the cadavers.
(NOTE: I was super proud of myself. The last time I saw a cadaver was almost 10 years ago. Back then I ran out of the room, threw up, and dropped my anatomy&physiology class. True story.)Then we went out to eat with my cute cousin Linda. After that, Linda took me to Trader Joe's, where we discovered that we like all the same vegan foods. Who knew? Love it!!

Saturday I went to church with Linda, and then we went horseback riding with her friend, Julie.
(Again I was proud of myself. The last time I was on a horse, I was 13. That horse fell with me on him, bruising my left left leg and breaking my left ring finger. It's still crooked...) I stayed on the horse the whole time; despite the crazy trails and steep drops. I kept my eyes closed a lot!

We saw hawks...

and found their feathers
(thanks to Julie!).

Love. :)
Later we had dinner with Mary and Ben.

When we got back to Linda's we Yogaed
(yes, it's a noun turned verb now)...and laughed hysterically at the instructor guy!
Sunday we all went to Disney Land for my second time ever
(and took absolutely no photos)! It was fabulous, but I don't know how people do it with kids. Speaking of... I totally got offered the kids menu at the Blue Bayou!! And of course I ordered from it! Perfect portion size. I remember back in high school when the kids menu was a complete insult. And now I wish it to happen more often... Ha! It was a fun day. :)
Mary and Ben dropped me off at the airport early
Monday morning. I was so sad to leave.
When I got to Salt Lake I ended up renting the
ugliest silver Pontiac I've ever seen in my life! At first glance I wanted to cry, but I had to laugh! It was a good conversation starter in mall parking lots. Haha
I stayed with Terisa and Warren on
Monday and Tuesday.... Terisa and I were soo happy Brad picked Emily! A cute little blonde widow is a way better option over a divorcee with a boob job. Just sayin'!
Tuesday I went to lunch with my FB friend, Jaime O.
(That'll be her blogging alias.) And now we're real-life-friends. She's darling; love her!
Wednesday I finally got to see T.Thorpe! She was in the process of moving to
Iowa. Anyway
(like I mentioned before) we went for Reiki massages, hit up our favorite health food store, binged on soy ice cream, and laughed much---just our much needed usual!
I was so sad to leave her on
Thursday. But Jared took me to dinner, and that was fun. Although I was not offered the kids menu. [Sigh.] Ego, crushed. ;) Anyway, I stayed with my sister in Sandy, for a widows/ers conference.
That conference was on
Friday and
Saturday. I had been on the fence about attending, but decided to go at the last minute. I was glad I did! It was really fun to meet new people in similar situations. And to finally meet others who I felt like I already knew was good too. :)
Saturday T. Thorpe texted to tell me that they had officially left state borders. Suddenly Utah became a lonelier place. Soo I blew off the
"workshops" and went shopping with my cute
(also now real-life-) friend Katie.
Sunday I realized I was tired and did a lot of nothing.
Monday I got all my hair chopped off, because you cannot get a bad haircut in UT. My hair is now the shortest it's ever been
(shoulder length). I went to lunch with Sara in Salt Lake, and then went back to Springville one last time; to clean a marker that shouldn't look so neglected.
Tuesday...I went back to my littles. I missed them so much.
The end.