Back in high school I used to go to Washington DC with a group of friends. We'd usually try for once or twice a year.
When I was 15, we went for the 4th of July. We were walking around that day, before the fireworks, and we ended up outside of the Pentagon. My friend Marci started talking to some official guy in a uniform. She was asking him all kinds of knowledgeable questions...
In all seriousness I asked, "So why do they call it the Pentagon anyway??"
That guy just kinda gave me a baffled look.
So I asked again, "No. Seriously, I want to know."
Some guy that was with us (I can't remember his name anymore) just put his arm around me , and said, "You'll have to forgive her. She's blonde."
I just knew something simple, and maybe painfully obvious was flying over my head.

The answer to my very blonde moment question, came to me days later on the ride home. I felt a little foolish, but mostly glad that my hair got the blame...
Anyway, today while I made the girls' lunch, I started laughing to myself at the memory. When my mom asked what was funny, I told her the story.
Her response: "Okay. So why do they call it the Pentagon??"
Yup. I get it from my mom!!
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