In the last 4 months, 1 week, and 6 days...

Little Miss...
- has learned even more songs.
- loves to sing all day long (by herself or accompanied).
- sings the "ABCs" perfectly.
- has developed a love of lip gloss.
- has an opinion on how I'll style her hair, and what outfit she wears each day.
- dresses herself entirely, and will not accept any help.
- saw her first movie in a theater (with Nana & Pop-pop).
- loves Tinkerbell.
- wants everything to be pink (everything)!
- loves to "help" cook or clean.
- asks real questions and wants real answers.
- continues to tell me how much she loves Daddy.

Time has stood still, and yet it has passed too quickly. The girls are proof of that.
I look at where life has taken us in this short while, and I don't necessarily like it. I often catch myself wondering what I would be doing in a given moment, if my best friend was still here.
I miss telling Ben about all the new things that the girls would do while he was gone. I miss his reaction when he would then witness their cute antics for the first time. It was always priceless; complete adoration. But I wonder if he sees more now. He no longer has to wait until he comes home from work to hear about their new milestones. He can see it all first hand.
- has learned how to walk.
- has got a full set of teeth.
- can hold conversations with her sister.
- has become even more assertive & independent.
- climbs like a monkey.
- can laugh for hours on end.
- has discovered the joys of "dress-up."
- loves to accessorize any outfit.
- loves playing with her baby dolls.
- talks constantly, and has an expansive vocabulary for her age.
- says "peas, da-do, & welcome" (aka- please, thank you, & you're welcome).
- has grown like a little weed.
Time has stood still, and yet it has passed too quickly. The girls are proof of that.
I look at where life has taken us in this short while, and I don't necessarily like it. I often catch myself wondering what I would be doing in a given moment, if my best friend was still here.
I miss telling Ben about all the new things that the girls would do while he was gone. I miss his reaction when he would then witness their cute antics for the first time. It was always priceless; complete adoration. But I wonder if he sees more now. He no longer has to wait until he comes home from work to hear about their new milestones. He can see it all first hand.
1 comment:
You know he is, and you know how proud he must be of how you have been handling everything. I've said it before and I'll say it again Ginny, you are truly an inspiration.
As always, I know I'm not a "close" friend, but I'm always a phone call away. I may not be able to relate, but I'll do my best to be a shoulder to lean on!
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