Sometimes I look back on mistakes I've made and I can't help but laugh. More often than not, I was too stubborn and determined to listen to anyone. And yet I wonder if I would have listened to myself. My future self; the one who knows where these decisions will lead me.
I want to tell this girl...

The one who just graduated from high school, and is finding herself confused at a university in the middle of no where...
The girl that can't make up her mind, and is switching majors as often as she straightens her hair...
I want to tell her to listen to her parents (along with every English teacher that she has ever had) and pursue writing.
I want to tell this girl...

The one who just started dating this sweet boy...

I want to tell her to NOT listen to her parents. They don't know what she knows.
I want to tell her to listen to every bit of intuition she has ever been given. There is no time for doubt.
I want to tell her to just say "YES!" the first time he proposes.
I want to tell her to get married sooner, like she wants to.
I want to tell her that there is not time to waste.
I want to tell this girl...

The one who is half way through her first pregnancy...
I want to convey to her, all of the joy she is about the experience.
I want to tell her that she will bear each scar with pride.
And someday I hope to be able to tell this girl...

The one who just lost her sweet husband...
The girl who at times feels more lost and grief stricken than words can express...
Someday, I want her to be able to see the big picture perfectly.
Someday, I want her to fully understand that these tears, and longing are for but a small moment.
Someday, I want to be able to tell her that this was all so very worth it.
Goosebumps again Ginny. You are incredible. Thank you for sharing all your feelings. I learn so much from you and am touched and impressed by your understanding and wisdom. You are the cutest!
I am bawling. You are such an amazing person Ginny. I'm so thankful to call you my friend. Love you.
Powerful post, Ginny. You really put a lot of thought into your posts and I am just blown away with some of the things you have to say. I'm thankful to be able to see more of you through this blog. You really are an awesome person! I'm glad I know you.
You're amazing. This made me BAWL in my living room. You're such an amazing woman and I'm so so so grateful to know you.
Oh Ginny, what can I say? It makes me wonder...what would I tell myself? Thank you for bringing out parts of me that otherwise wouldn't have surfaced.
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