I've been super busy, and I don't even want to blog about it.
This is my first time even logging into blogger all week.
See? Busy. But who isn't??
Hmm...how about an unflattering update?? ;)
On my hair...
It's way too short right now! I love the cut, but it's about two inches too short all over. If anyone has any ideas for growing hair out, please tell me about them! Please. I've added Biotin and silica to the my supplement regimen. I'm using a hair growth shampoo (I know! Probably a gimmick!). And I'm avoiding my straightener like the plague. (Sad face!)
On my complexion...
I'm really glad that the cystic planet that showed up on the side of my nose earlier this week, is almost gone now. Yay for salicylic acid! It was practically casting it's own shadow. I even contemplated renting out add space on it. Your local business would have gotten LOTS of exposure. ;)
On Big Foot sightings...
You would not believe the skeeze factor that has been seeking me out. OR how painfully naive I am! I'll take 90% of the blame on this one! It's foolish to think that members of the opposite sex, who spam your inbox and FB wall and ask for your number, just want something platonic. And then when there's mention of going to the beach sometime, because the beaches would love me... Yeah. Stop trying to picture me in a bikini!! (Patti Stanger would have a ton to say about that freak show.)
Super grateful to the friends who posed an intervention! Love you girls!!
Lesson learned: When faced with a Sasquatch, avoid friendly conversation.
On the weather...
I went to Walmart yesterday for some last minute essentials (i.e. my two week supply of water). The things I saw other people buy made me laugh, and prompted this status: "Milk, bread, popsicles, ice cream, microwave popcorn, Slim Jims, Diet Coke... I am so ready for this biatch!!"
On my BFFs...
T. Thorpe and some other favorites, didn't get that status. Within minutes she texted...
"How are u going to pop popcorn??"
"Oh wait, generator??"
Then when she realized that those are all foods I wouldn't eat ever, we went back and forth trying to think of even grosser, more random foods that the people of Walmart might stock up on for a natural disaster. Love her! And clearly my blonde moments are contagious! I felt just a little misunderstood. hehe :)
On my babes...
Just because I adore them, and there's nothing unflattering about them, and this post could use some of their sweetness...

Welcome to my silly life. :)
See? Busy. But who isn't??
Hmm...how about an unflattering update?? ;)
On my hair...
It's way too short right now! I love the cut, but it's about two inches too short all over. If anyone has any ideas for growing hair out, please tell me about them! Please. I've added Biotin and silica to the my supplement regimen. I'm using a hair growth shampoo (I know! Probably a gimmick!). And I'm avoiding my straightener like the plague. (Sad face!)
On my complexion...
I'm really glad that the cystic planet that showed up on the side of my nose earlier this week, is almost gone now. Yay for salicylic acid! It was practically casting it's own shadow. I even contemplated renting out add space on it. Your local business would have gotten LOTS of exposure. ;)
On Big Foot sightings...
You would not believe the skeeze factor that has been seeking me out. OR how painfully naive I am! I'll take 90% of the blame on this one! It's foolish to think that members of the opposite sex, who spam your inbox and FB wall and ask for your number, just want something platonic. And then when there's mention of going to the beach sometime, because the beaches would love me... Yeah. Stop trying to picture me in a bikini!! (Patti Stanger would have a ton to say about that freak show.)
Super grateful to the friends who posed an intervention! Love you girls!!
Lesson learned: When faced with a Sasquatch, avoid friendly conversation.
On the weather...
I went to Walmart yesterday for some last minute essentials (i.e. my two week supply of water). The things I saw other people buy made me laugh, and prompted this status: "Milk, bread, popsicles, ice cream, microwave popcorn, Slim Jims, Diet Coke... I am so ready for this biatch!!"
On my BFFs...
T. Thorpe and some other favorites, didn't get that status. Within minutes she texted...
"How are u going to pop popcorn??"
"Oh wait, generator??"
Then when she realized that those are all foods I wouldn't eat ever, we went back and forth trying to think of even grosser, more random foods that the people of Walmart might stock up on for a natural disaster. Love her! And clearly my blonde moments are contagious! I felt just a little misunderstood. hehe :)
On my babes...
Just because I adore them, and there's nothing unflattering about them, and this post could use some of their sweetness...

Welcome to my silly life. :)