My parents met in Salt Lake City... She was from Thousand Oaks, California (attending LDS Business College), and he was from Sharon, Massachusetts (working for a friend's coin selling business). They met at their singles ward. Pretty cliche.
Every time they go to Salt Lake, nostalgia overtakes them. I remember when my dad took me out to Idaho for the first time. We spent a day in SLC. It seemed so important to him to show me everything he could. He showed me their first apartment building, the mall Mom shopped at, Crown Burger, Ensign Peek.... At the time I was annoyed. Why was he so enthusiastic about a place they spent only 3 years at??
Years later when my parents came out to visit us, I teased my dad about their usual site-seeing. His response always stuck with me. "Ginny, this is where we started out. Who knows? Maybe one day you and Ben will look back on your time here in Utah, and feel the way we do."
At the time I disagreed completely. We were living in a small two-bedroom apartment in Orem. I was working at an awful call center while Ben was trying to finish flight school. We had future hopes of Oregon (him) or Northern California (me). In my mind there would be nothing to miss. Our future was bright and full of promise.

And now, four years later, Dad was right.
I miss that little apartment.
(turquoise carpeting, drafty widows, loud upstairs neighbors, and all)
I miss running mundane errands together.
I miss him surprising me with lunch at work.
I miss cuddling on our couches when they were new.
I miss coming home to unexpected peach roses or Gerber daisies.
I miss the way he would quote movies for days after we rented them.
I miss those days when we were soo tired that we fell asleep in bed by 8:00.
I miss all of it....the good, and the bad alike.
Because really, the sad wasn't that awful, and the happy was euphoric.
I'd give anything to go back to those years. Lately it's all I think about each night as I try to fall asleep. And yet, at that time I was so consumed with wanting more. I doubt I ever fully appreciated how sweet my life was.
I will never make this mistake again. I couldn't if I tried. That idealistic part of me that wanted everything perfect is now gone. It's a lesson learned the really really really hard way.
Thank you for reminding me to enjoy the today. I needed to read this today. Love the way you are able to express your thoughts.
i do not know if you remember me at all. i worked at Doba with you. i hope you don't think i was a brat. a lot of people do at first. i promise i am not. i am a lover. not a hater. anyway... i am really good friends with Jill King. I was with her when she found out about your husband. She was sick about it for days and i am sure she still is. i have been reading your blog. you are AMAZING. I hold back tears every time i read your blog. The music that plays makes me think about life. i want to remember everything about my life. my marriage. my husband. my baby. my family. i need to start writing everything down. you remember the small things. the clothes you wore to certain things or every detail about your dates you had with your husband. i don't know if i could. i love all your stories. you write so well. i am sure you hear this stuff all the time... but i thought i would tell you again ;)
i hope you are not bugged by the things i wrote. i have been wanting to write you for a while and finally got up the courage to night. Thank you for writing the things you do. You rock!!
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