This is a date that has always held pivotal significance for us.
Soon after Ben and I
met in person, it was obvious that we had developed a mutual interest in each other. After the four months and countless hours spent on the phone, we had become best friends. So, the fact that we thought each other adorable was merely a nice extra.
Ben called me during finals week and told me of an opportunity to sell pest control over the summer in Las Vegas. This was something he had done several times before and in doing so could make enough money to replace his current car
(Chewy!) and live off of for the year. He seemed indecisive and kept asking me what I thought, and how I felt about him being gone all summer; as if my input would make his decision. It felt uncomfortable to be put in this position. Who was I to help him choose?
I wanted him to do what he felt was best for him. I tried to help him weigh the pros and cons, and it seemed like the better option was to take the job...again. We were able to see each other one more time during the last weekend in April. There was no mention of Vegas, so I forgot all about it.
Within days of me going back to Idaho, he left for Nevada. We still talked everyday, several times a day. He had so many funny stories to tell, but would constantly tell me how much he missed me.
At this point the definition of what we were to each other was still somewhat unclear to me. We obviously liked each other, but the timing seemed off. Once he got back from NV in August, I would be leaving for Boston for the fall semester. I didn't want to spend my summer on the phone when I could be out experiencing life, and dating guys who lived near me.
He had been gone for a week when I told him all of this, and I was taken aback by how it upset him.
He immediately made plans to take time off from work for Memorial Day weekend (May 23-26). He would drive up to Idaho and bring me back to Orem, so that we could spend time together. (I didn't tell him that I could find a ride there. I wanted to see how serious he was about me. Horrible!)
We started our 12-day countdown...
I remember the day he called just to tell me that he found our song (
Where Are You Going by Dave Matthews Band). He was driving in Vegas when the song came on the radio and he instantly thought of me. "
Because,'...where you are is where I belong. I do know, where you go, is where I wanna be.."
(Anticipation was building! 8 days were left on the countdown...)
19 May 2003
It was a Monday.
My classes were over at 10:00 am.
I decided to go tanning with my roommate, Monica.
When I got out of the tanning bed I noticed several new texts on my phone...within 20 minutes...and all from Ben, of course.
They went something like this...
- Let's play a game.
- Where is Benny?
- Oh where, oh where could he be?
- I'll give you 3 guesses.
- Is he in Vegas? Probably not...
- Gin, you there?
- Are you busy?
I called him when we got into the car. He was almost giddy with excitement. He gave me the three guesses...
Me: "You're in Vegas."
Ben: "Wrong state! Not even close!"
Me: "Are you in Orem?"
Ben: "Nope!"
Me: "Are you in Utah??!"
Ben: "Another wrong state. Guess again!"
Me: "No! That was three! You have to tell me!"
Ben: "Just guess. I'm not in Vegas or Utah. I think you know."
Me: "Are you in Idaho.....?"
Ben: "Oh...I could be... But where in Idaho?"
Me: "No! No you are not!"
I immediately hung up on him and ran into my apartment. I peered out the bathroom window and saw him pulling up in a car I didn't recognize. I was so embarrassed! My hair was up in a pony tail, I had no makeup on, and no time to put makeup on. All of my roommates were laughing as I panicked.
Then I heard the knock on the door and without thinking, ran to it. I can't express how ecstatic I was when I saw him standing an adorable light blue collared, button down shirt (untucked) and khaki pants.
He picked me up, swung me around, and kissed me.
May 19th is the day he drove down
(just for that day) to tell me that he had quit the job in Vegas. He made just enough money to buy a more reliable car. He would stay in Utah and make an effort to see me regularly.
May 19th was the day I decided to take a chance on him. I wouldn't date anyone else.
We would cultivate our relationship, all be it long distance...
And exactly one year after this very day
(19 May 2004), he took me through the temple, so that we could be sealed for eternity two days thereafter.
I am so very grateful for May 19th.