There are days when I feel like, despite my best efforts, I just can't succeed. The house can't (or won't) get clean enough. The temper tantrums and "time-outs" seem much too frequent. Requests seem infinite. The 24 hours of time I thought I had gets grossly mismanaged and passes too quickly. These days usually end with grilled cheese or spaghetti on the table solidifying a slight feeling of overall guilt.
Over this last week or so, I've had too many of those days. While they haven't all ended with mediocre entrees, I haven't been able to escape that overwhelmed feeling.
My sweet Little Miss can be compared to a tornado, leaving a trail of chaos in her wake. I know I've mentioned that she has been using her training potty as a stepping stool (and never for it's intended purpose). Ha! Absolutely nothing is safe. There's not a counter top out of reach, or shelf too high!

(This photo makes us both laugh. It's Jocee to a TEE!)
If I refuse a request, she will find her own way. She is tenacious when she puts her mind to something. Her resourcefulness amazes me!

(Pink princess toothpaste. I did get it all out of the carpet, and her hair. Yay.)

But how could I ever get angry at that lovable face!??
Then there's Sophie. Sweet little Sophie!

Over this last week or so, I've had too many of those days. While they haven't all ended with mediocre entrees, I haven't been able to escape that overwhelmed feeling.
My sweet Little Miss can be compared to a tornado, leaving a trail of chaos in her wake. I know I've mentioned that she has been using her training potty as a stepping stool (and never for it's intended purpose). Ha! Absolutely nothing is safe. There's not a counter top out of reach, or shelf too high!

(This photo makes us both laugh. It's Jocee to a TEE!)
If I refuse a request, she will find her own way. She is tenacious when she puts her mind to something. Her resourcefulness amazes me!

(Pink princess toothpaste. I did get it all out of the carpet, and her hair. Yay.)

But how could I ever get angry at that lovable face!??
Then there's Sophie. Sweet little Sophie!

Between Jocee's demands and temper tantrums, sometimes I worry that she's not getting enough of my attention. She's so mellow and easy to please. I never ever want her to feel neglected or over-shadowed. So, on days when Jocee is extra needy, I always try to include Sophie and give her some extra attention, too.
I want things to be as equal for both of them as possible. I feel like everyday is a juggling act. Why can't I always keep everything perfectly balanced? There are mothers with more children or with full time jobs who all seem to handle things with much more grace. I really do have a tendency to concern myself with trivial things that really don't matter.
Luckily, there is always something that snaps me back into reality. Today we gave our baby swing to friends who are about to have their first baby. (We are so excited for them! It's a boy!) And that's when it all hit me.
Just a moment ago, Jocee was playing in that swing. It feels like we brought her home from the hospital just a few days ago. Exactly 19 short months later, Sophie joined us too. And now that little newborn is an almost crawling 6 month old. It has all seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.
Just a moment ago, Jocee was playing in that swing. It feels like we brought her home from the hospital just a few days ago. Exactly 19 short months later, Sophie joined us too. And now that little newborn is an almost crawling 6 month old. It has all seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

(Jocee, just last week)
So I'm making a choice. I am choosing to savor every fleeting moment. I refuse to fall into the trap of thinking there will always be time to spend with them, later (like after the laundry is folded, or floor mopped). They will only be little for such a short time. Jocee will only ask me to sing and dance with her so many times before she realizes that I'm terrible at both. Sophie is growing equally as fast and will be walking and talking before I can blink again. From this point on, I will savor every fleeting moment.
1 comment:
Oh Ginny! You are an amazing mom! I don't know how you do it, with Ben being gone on trips, or at school all the time! I am lucky enough to have a mother-in-law ten minutes away who can help me if I need anything. You do so much, it is so awesome. I feel overwhelmed a lot, and I only have ONE! I like your attitude, it just shows how much you love your little ones. I need to copy that attitude myself!
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