I've been super all-over-the-place lately. Is it obvious?? Soo this will be extra random.

It's so crazy that tomorrow is New Year's Eve already...
I am so so sick of snow. What can be good about anything cold and wet?? Someday I'll move somewhere where it never ever snows, and I'll never ever miss it. I just wasn't meant to live in a cold climate.
Jocee and Sophie have LOVED it this year though. I need to post about that. They are the cutest. Sometimes I wish they'd never grow up. I'm so lucky to be their mom. :) In my limited mommy experience, I've decided that 3 1/2 is my favorite age.
An old friend from high school emailed me today and took credit for that drawing I posted earlier! We still don't remember who The Kid was. But we decided that she drew it during 10th grade English class. I had braces then... Oh, and he had to be in a different grade too. But that's all we got!
I think it's funny how one of my best friends and I weren't even friends in high school. We had a lot of the same classes, and some of the same friends. But coincidentally we probably never said two words to each other. I have this one memory of her telling our 10th grade Biology teacher that her then boyfriend was going to make a six-figure salary once he got his Bachelor's. I thought to myself, "That girl is so not going to be with that guy by then. And he could totally change his major and do something else..." Ha! I have no idea what he does now, but I'm pretty sure I was right.
Love her! She deserves her own post!
I watched "Maid in Manhattan" tonight and cringed the whole time! I still can't believe Ben sat through that. I can't believe I sat through that, or even invited him to watch it with us. I must have looked really cute that night, or something... It makes me happy that, the post gets the most hits. It was the start of a lot of good things. :)
Oh, Christmas wasn't as awful as I thought it would be... I think of how and where I was this time last year, and I shutter. I'm grateful to be one year removed from it.
And really... I know I post about this a lot, but Ben is still the sweetest. I don't care how skeptical most people can be. Those little reminders I always get made December better.
That is all for now.
It's funny, because the same thing you mentioned about the best friend thing is the exact same thing w/ Lesley and I. Almost to a tee exact!
I don't think we ever said anything to each other at Coyle. Not even a word was ever exchanged. We knew of each other, had similar friends also. But then almost a decade later back in the summer of 2009 we hit it off and became close/best friends and now we are making her Clara's God Mom!
It's really magical when that happens, because finding lifelong best friends in your late 20's is extremely hard to do! Especially if you are a stay at home mom and aren't out there in the world everyday! (at least that's how I look at it) It makes me smile to see similar stories because Lesley has become that go to person in my life. I'm happy that you have found the same when you moved back to the North East!
I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. I hope 2011 is nothing short of great because you and the girls deserve nothing less.<3
The little reminders are God's way of showing us the good things in life. You are an amazing, strong woman. You give me inspiration everyday, even though we've never met you've changed my life and helped me tremendously.
Thank you, April!
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