This cute girl is POTTY TRAINED!!
Potty training is a task that has been looming over my head since I found out I was pregnant with her. I loath diapers. They're expensive, unsanitary, smelly, and bad for the environment.
But how would I approach such a huge undertaking? Years ago I took a child development class through UVU in which potty training issues were covered. Needless to say, the topic has always intimidated me.
Most other moms have told me that it takes time (months).
So my original plan was to get her a potty when she was 18 months old. I'd gradually introduce the concept so that she'd be completely trained by the time she turned two.
Reasonable, right?
THEN, reality hit.
- A new sibling at 19 months old.

- An extended trip to Boston over the summer.
- Moving & unpacking (aka-chaos)
My revised goal was to start potty training by the time she turned 2 1/2.
I have asked so many experienced moms for any advice that they were willing to share. I've tried almost everything. Most of it was crap (get it?..ha...ha)! Every kid is different and whatever worked for everyone else, seemed not to work for Jocee.
We started last Wednesday (Sept 30) and Jocee is DONE!
I am so happy that it only took 7 days!
In an effort to pay it forward, I wanted to share what worked for us.
This book...
(Similar e-books & info can be found on the internet.)
This DVD...
This DVD...
(Yes! She absolutely put them all on, herself!)
So at exactly 2 1/2 years old, Jocelyn is potty trained!
We are both so proud of Little Miss, and so happy that she is proud of herself!
So at exactly 2 1/2 years old, Jocelyn is potty trained!
We are both so proud of Little Miss, and so happy that she is proud of herself!
Congrats!!! I'm so impressed it was so quick. Way to go! I'm def NOT looking forward to that!
Yay!! That is so exciting!!!!! Good job to both of you!
yay! its so funny how potty training is a timing issue! which is exacly why kallie's already done. you just can't have many interruptions. now you just have to get her on the real potty... much less to clean up! Elmo's potty seat is a miracle.
Thanks for the tip! She actually fell in one day when she forgot to put the ring on, so she's slightly traumatized.
She'd die for a princess ring, but I found a collapsible Elmo one...
Shut up! 7 days?! #2 even???? ;) Caden always says "I don't want to pee pee the potty" ugh. I need to get that book!! congrats to you both!!! :D
Yes! #2 happened on day 2, but wasn't consistent until day 5 or 6. And she even stays dry at night! That book changed my life!
So happy for you guys and jealous at the same time. We're trying all the tricks, maybe I'll pick that book up.
This is so great! Go Jocee and Ginny!
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