I love Ben.
And because I don't want to forget even the littlest things...

When I first introduced myself (over the phone), he got my name right. Without hesitation he said, "Ginny. Like, G-I-N-N-Y?"
So many guys I had dated before went weeks thinking my name was "Jenny." Some even had my number programmed in their cell phones that way. This always led to an awkward reintroduction...
"Umm... I'm not Jenny. It's, Ginny. Ya know, like Gin 'n Juice..."
But not my Love.
Benny got it right the first time.

When I first introduced myself (over the phone), he got my name right. Without hesitation he said, "Ginny. Like, G-I-N-N-Y?"
So many guys I had dated before went weeks thinking my name was "Jenny." Some even had my number programmed in their cell phones that way. This always led to an awkward reintroduction...
"Umm... I'm not Jenny. It's, Ginny. Ya know, like Gin 'n Juice..."
But not my Love.
Benny got it right the first time.
This is so sweet! <3
Love that. Shows that he was really listening to you because Jenny and Ginny don't sound all that similar vowel wise. And since you don't have a southern accent...
And as a side note, my parents had that same couch pattern in our old living room. Haha :O)
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