Yesterday was a really long day...
Dear Fellow Passengers (of flight 3993),
I am so very sorry you had to hear my oldest daughter scream her very loudest for almost the duration of the five-hour flight. Would you believe me if I told you that, she has never thrown a tantrum like that? (No? Err..Neither would I!) Thank you for you exceptional patience!! Thank you for sparing me from intolerant stares and dirty looks.
(Except for you, Old Lady in The Denim Jumpsuit. You got caught.)
Dear Person who sat in Jocee's seat before her,
Thanks a lot for sticking your chewed gum under her armrest. It was super fun getting it out of her hair...and clothes. You're super.
Dear Man who sat in front of us,
Thank you for being so calm and composed as the back of your chair was relentlessly kicked, punched and beaten by a cranky little girl. You are amazing, and your patience outweighed all!
Dear Woman who sat next to us,
Thank you for being so incredibly understanding and sweet! Thank you for playing with my baby and offering to help so much! We were very lucky to have you sit by us. I hope to be able to one day do the same, when my children are grown and in college, too.
Dear Flight Attendants,
Thank you for always being so kind and helpful.
Dear Woman waiting in line for the elevator,
Thank you for thinking I was 16-years-old. You made my day!
Long story short:
While yesterday was a day I would never wish to repeat, it could have been much, much worse. And for that, I am grateful.
Ohhhhhh that super sucks!!! I'm so sorry! Airplanes are the worst--it feels like everyone's watching you, even if they really aren't! I'm glad you guys made it home safely!! Oh, and Caden's coming with us to Boston!! :D you rock!
I'm sorry, it was such a rough flight! Ben owes you for sure! Yay for being home! I'm just sad we missed you when we were up there!
You're a trooper, sounds like MOSTLY all of the other passengers were too. I was sad to peer in your rents pew and see it empty of you cute girls this week!
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