Oh and today he got to go shooting at a gun range in Salt Lake. I guess his gun had to be sighted in. Needless to say, he had a lot of fun doing it!

My new hobby is saving money. It was actually one of my New Year's resolutions. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but it so is! Seriously, it's so fun to see how much money you can save with just coupons and sale fliers! I've been able to cut our grocery bill in half! The money saved at the bottom of the reciept always gives me an adrenalin rush. Ben teases me about it, but he's grateful nonetheless.
Jocelyn has been very busy mimicking me. She gives her dolls tummy time on Sophie's blankets and will even strap them into the bouncer or swing. She is such a good big sister! Whenever Sophie wakes up from a nap, Jocee rushed into her room and says, "Hi, Sister!! Hi, Miss!"
She is always offering to help me. When I change Sophie's diapers she wants to hand me a fresh diaper and wipes. She is always holding her arms out offering, "I take her! I take her! Hold her??" The poor girl gets really upset when I don't hand Sophie over.

Her new favorite movie is, "Lady and The Tramp." She has been asking to watch her "Puppies!" everyday for over a month now. She even sings along to the songs and will repeat some parts of the movie. Ben got her a puppy stuffed animal for Valentine's Day and she has named it, "Lady." No joke!
Jocee also LOVES to sing! Some of her favorite songs right now are, "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" "ABCs" & "The Cuppy Cake Song."

Cute, cute!
Ours is reevechronicles.blogspot.com
welcome to Blogger world! Love the pics! esp the last one of Sophie!
I love the pics Ben took! They are amazing! Nothing like taking pics up in the air.
Cool! I am glad you guys have a blog now! Mine is private so I'll send an invite to your and Ben's Email. I love all the pictures of the girls!! I can't believe how big Sophie is already!!
awww see, you had you spirited child and now your angel child..i'm glad sophie is so good.
Hi Guys- Awsome blog! It is so cute. I need to do way better at mine. I have only 2 posts. ha. Your gils are beautiful. We need to get together again soon! I also need your address! Our blog is nathanandlindsaypreator.blogspot.com
I'm so excited you've started a blog. The girls are sooo cute and need to be shown off as much as possible!
Adorable girls! Great job setting up your blog too!
Hey Ben, love your blog, your girls are adorable, and the older one looks just like you!! She's definitely a Hill!! Next time you're in Monterey give us a call, we would love to see you!
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